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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Chestnut 1

Welcome to Chestnut 1 


Miss Alington - class teacher 


Mrs Pocock - teaching assistant (part time) 

Miss Bryan - teaching assistant (full time)

Mrs Brett - PPA cover on Thursday afternoons 


We have a super year ahead of us full of exciting educational trips, visits from outside organisations, plays and much more. Please explore this page to find information about our curriculum topics, upcoming trips and pictures of our fun learning. 


Topics are taught on a two year rolling program of themes. Our topic this term is Down on the Farm. Year 1 and 2 collaborate together to supply an enriched learning environment where children can access new information, build upon prior knowledge and develop as learners. Literacy, maths, science, music, PE, computing, life skills and RE are taught separately.


We follow the Read Write Inc. phonics and literacy scheme which is taught for an hour every day in small groups. This scheme covers phonics, reading, writing, grammar and comprehension skills. 


The children have been given their homework booklet which is filled with exciting activities and projects which they will be working on throughout their time at Cookham Rise Primary School. It is important for children to read regularly at home. 


PE is taught twice weekly so we ask that children are sent in with the correct kit (clearly named) at the beginning of each term. 


We visit Cookham Library every Thursday where the children can choose a book to take home for the week. Please may you send in the book every Thursday so that your child can enjoy changing their book. 


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. 


Thank you smiley


Topic Map
