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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Tuesday 24th March

Tuesday 24th March 2020

Good morning Ash 2!  Hope you are all ready for the day and the work that has been set. 


Try starting the day by joining in with a Joe Wicks work out. Mrs Strawson will be doing it with her children at home too!

Attached is a recording of our brain break. We generally try to schedule these 3 times a day and work well when transitioning from one activity to another.


Tuesday 24th March 2020

Subject focus


Writing task

My Best Day

Your task is to write about your best day. You could write about a day on holiday, a birthday, a special event in school or at home etc. It could be any day you choose.

Think about how to set your writing out. Are you going to write about it in the order it happened? What feeling words can you include to show the emotions you felt on this day? Always remember to use correct punctuation and best handwriting.

Maths task

Watch the PowerPoint below on Number bonds to 20 before completing the CGP activity.


CGP Maths book:

Addition and Subtraction – Number bonds p13 and p14


Abacus online:

Seaside Scuffle

Spelling rule

Unit 5 – The ee sound spelt ey

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule.  

RWI homework book

Unit 1 Homework 2 – Suffixes on p5

Home learning task

Choose one item from the grid sent home to do with your child.

