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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Week Commencing 18th May

Friday 21st  May


Friday  21st May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task

Treasures’ Island

Log onto Purple Mash and complete the book review on Treasures’ Island.

Spelling Task

Unit 13 – Dots and dashes

Class Reader  Listen to the rest our class reader. On Seesaw. 


10 minutes timetable practice

Maths Task

White Rose – Week 3 - lesson 3 – Subtract money


Christopher Columbus


Using the knowledge learnt over the last few days complete the task ‘An interview with Christopher Columbus’ on PurpleMash.


Additional resources

Additional activities

Thursday 21st  May


Good morning everyone, I hope that your staying safe in the sun. I will be continuing my calls today between 9.30am - noon. 

Thursday  21st May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task

Treasure’s Island


Log onto Purple Mash, read chapter 6 of Treasures’ Island, complete Chapter 6 multiple choice questions and the SPAG task which can be found in additional resources.

Spelling Task

Unit 13 –  spelling zone. There is a video on SeeSaw to use as an introduction to this unit.

Class reader

Listen to the next part of The Wreck Of Zanzibar.

Timestables Task  

10 minutes timetable practice

Maths Task

White Rose – Week 3 - lesson 2 – Add money


 Christopher Columbus


Use your researching skills to fill in the worksheet on Christopher Columbus.

Additional resources

Additional activities

Wednesday 19th May

Good morning everyone.

It was lovely to see you all on our Zoom call yesterday, I hope to make this a regular thing. I will continue calling families today between1.30pm – 3.30pm. 


Wednesday 19th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task

 Treasure’s Island


Log onto Purple Mash, read chapter 5 of Treasures’ Island, complete Chapter 5 multiple choice questions and the open ended questions which can be found in additional resources.

Spelling Task

Speed spell, page 54. Choose 6 spellings from Unit 12 to  be tested on.

Class reader Listen to the next part of The Wreck of Zanzibar on Seesaw.


10 minutes timetable practice

Maths Task

White Rose – Week 3 - lesson 1 – Convert pounds into pence


Christopher Columbus


Task: Watch the below video then on a blank map mark where Columbus thought he was going, and where he actually ended up. 

Additional resources

Additional activities

Tuesday 19th May

Good morning everyone.

I am very excited today as I will hopefully be seeing some (if not all) of you at 11am on Zoom. Details of this will be posted on the Whats app group and an announcement via SeeSaw. I look forward to seeing you there. 


I will also be calling families between 9.30 – 12 and then 1.30pm – 3pm.


Tuesday 19th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task

Treasures’ Island


Log onto Purple Mash, read chapter 4 of Treasures’ Island, complete Chapter 4 multiple choice questions and the SPAG task which can be found in additional resources.

Spelling Task

Page 54 – Jumping orange words. Use the following words to have a quick test; women, straight, medicine, guard, fruit and forward.

Class Reader

Listen to the next part of The Wreck of Zanzibar on Seesaw.

Maths Task

Adding 2- and 3-digits: mental strategies and written methods

Task: Complete the questions by choosing either a mental or written strategy. Try to use different strategies and not just the same one for all of them.

Support: Children can use an empty number line to count on the 100s, then the 10s, then the 1s, e.g. 316 + 243



Christopher Columbus

Complete the comprehension on Christopher Columbus.

Additional documents

Additional resources

Monday 18th May


Good morning, Oak 3. I hope you had a weekend and ready for week ahead. I am hoping to do an Oak 3 Zoom call tomorrow at 11am. The login details will be sent via SeeSaw and the What's app group. Here are you tasks for today:


Monday 11th May 2020

Subject focus


Writing Activity

Mousehole Cat


Edit your story from Friday thinking about; spelling, punctuation and grammar.


Then write your story up in neat. Think about the way you present it. You could create a picture book by hand or on the computer. I look forward to reading them.

Spelling Task

There is no spelling or reading task today as I would like you to spend time on your story.

Maths Task

Add mentally 2-digit to 3-digit numbers by partitioning or counting on.


Task: Complete the questions mentally by using partitioning or counting up. You should not need to use the column method to complete these questions. Or page 19 in your maths CJP book.


Support: Children may need strategies to add 2-digit numbers, e.g. they can use a counter on a 100-square (see in additional resources) to count on in 10s and 1s.


Extension: Active Learn – Starfish Strike.


World Explorers


Work through the PowerPoint and complete the two tasks.

Additional resources

Additional activities
