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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Week commencing 23rd March

Friday 27th March


Good morning, Year 5.  I hope you all had a good day yesterday and enjoy the sunshine today – the weather forecast isn’t as good for next week!  If you still haven’t received the code for Seesaw, please would you let me know?


Today, please would you:


  • Complete Day 22 of your Early Morning Book
  • Finish your report about a polar animal and send it to me.  I’ve been really impressed with the ones I’ve seen so far!
  • For maths, go to the website

Follow the video for lesson 5 and complete the pdf which has been set as an activity on Seesaw.  You can complete it online or print it out.

  • With your parents’ permission, research, design and carry out a science experiment to investigate reversible and irreversible changes.  Your experiment might take some time to complete!  Can you find out:
    • If you dissolve salt in water, is it possible to reverse the process?  How?
    • If you dissolve sugar in water, is it possible to reverse the process? How?
    • Can you reverse the changes made when making toast and boiling an egg?  What causes the change to happen?

I’d love to see a collage on Seesaw, or even a short film using clips or similar, explaining what you’ve found out.  Try to use the words soluble, insoluble, reversible and irreversible in your work.


I hope you have a lovely weekend, get some fresh air and time to be creative!


Don't forget to do 30 minutes reading and your TT Rockstar practice. I'm going to start my day by reading, before going for a walk.


Best wishes


Mrs Bond


Thursday 26th March


Good morning, Year 5!

I hope you are all well.  It’s been lovely to speak to some of you on the phone – I’ll try and call everyone else today or tomorrow.



Please complete Day 21 in your Early Morning Book.

Today and tomorrow, write a non-chronological report about your polar animal.  Think carefully about the features of a report:

  • Present tense and third person
  • Formal English, including scientific facts
  • Paragraphs organised by topic, not time (e.g. appearance, diet, habitat, lifecycle and behaviour), with sub-headings before each paragraph
  • If you’d like to, add pictures (with captions) to your work

Please check your punctuation and, for an extra challenge, try to include a sentence in the passive voice.  Before sending me your work, edit your report carefully.  Check your work makes sense and that every sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full-stop, exclamation mark or question mark. 

When you have finished, I’d love to read a copy of your report.  You could upload a pdf or attach it to a message in Seesaw, email it to me via or type it up in PurpleMash.  Just let me know where to find it!


In your maths book, please complete page 29 on ordering fractions.  If you can’t remember how to do this, draw diagrams to help you – this video might help:


If you’re confident with this (gold level), can you remember how we compared fractions with different denominators by finding their equivalent fractions so they all have the same denominator?  A film about finding equivalent fractions can be found here:  Try to solve your problems this way, but then check your answer with a diagram.


If you are comparing fractions by converting them, the denominator should be the lowest common multiple.  You can practise finding the lowest common multiple with the game we play in class


Please also log onto ActiveLearn to play some maths games or go on TT Rockstars.


In your spelling book, please complete page 39 (Four in a Row) and 40 (Choose the Right Word).  Can you teach someone else to play Four in a Row with you?  If you have a younger sibling, why not play together with different sets of spelling words?


At the end of next week, I will ask you to send me some work based on the book you are currently reading, so remember to read for at least 30 minutes every day!


Take care


Mrs Bond


Wednesday 25th March

Good morning, Year 5.  I loved seeing your knight artwork yesterday!  Today:


  • Please complete Day 20 in your Early Morning Book.
  • For literacy, research a polar animal, ready to write a non-chronological report tomorrow.  Find out about your animal’s appearance, diet, habitat, lifecycle and behaviour.  If you’d like some inspiration, watch David Attenborough’s Frozen Planet series over the next few days.  This is available on BBC iPlayer.
  • You can either share a mind-map on Seesaw, or work with your peers in our new (and experimental) class notebook.  To access this,  go to and log in with and your usual password.  Hopefully you’ll be able see the collaborative space in the class notebook where you can share your ideas.
  • Complete word changers and the dictation exercise on pages 38 and 39 of your spelling book.  Remember to “tick, circle and fix” your answers.
  • Please complete page 26 (calculations) and page 27 (thousandths) in your maths book. 


Remember to read for at least half an hour, practise times tables on TT Rockstar for 15 minutes and get at least half an hour of exercise!  You can always take part in Joe Wicks’ PE lesson at 9am on YouTube.


I hope you have a great day and look forward to seeing your work online!


Take care


Mrs Bond



Tuesday 24th March


Good morning, Year 5!  Thank you to every one who uploaded the test activity yesterday - if you haven't yet done so, please do this as soon as possible.


Today, please could you:


  • Complete day 19 in your Early Morning Work booklet and research the answers to anything you're not sure about.
  • Complete the reading comprehension "Poems about Knights" on pages 22 and 23 of CPG Reading Comprehension Book 1.
  • Draw a picture of Sir Nicketty Nox and Lochnivar that shows the differences between the two knights.  Upload your drawing to Seesaw and write a paragraph comparing and contrasting them.  You could research Lochnivar online to read more of the original poem.
  • Complete page 28 of your CPG book on equivalent fractions.  If you have access to Minecraft, could you create a fraction wall (e.g. a field or a table of equipment) showing equivalent fractions?  Make sure you label your fractions when you upload your image to Seesaw.
  • Complete the spelling zone on page 37 of your spelling book, then explain to an adult how dots and dashes works on the following page.  Make sure you look up the meaning of any unfamiliar words.
  • Please spend at least 15 minutes on TT Rockstars and/or Numbots (same username and password) and read for at least half an hour.


I hope you have a lovely day and look forward to seeing your work online!


Take care


Mrs Bond


Monday 23rd March


Good morning Year 5!


Daily activities will be added here from Tuesday 24th March.  Additional suggestions for projects and creative activities can be found in the grid below.  We'd love to see any project work via Seesaw.  It would be lovely to share some of these with the rest of the class, but I will ask your permission before sharing your work!


Seesaw can be accessed via a computer, laptop, tablet or phone.  


Today, please can you make sure:


  • You have planned a daily timetable for school days.  When are you going to complete your work and when are you going to do some exercise?
  • You've completed Unit 7 (words ending in -ence) in your spelling book.  Ask someone at home to read the dictation sentences to you.
  • You have logged on to Seesaw and responded to the "Test Activity" so I know if you can access the work.  Your code was on the second page of the letter home and you will find the activities on the right-hand side of the screen. 


If you'd like more to do today, you could make sure you have completed:


  • Up to page 21 (Letter from E B White) in your CPG Reading Comprehension book 1
  • Up to page 25 in your CPG Maths book
  • Up to Day 18 in your Early Morning Work booklet


We have also arranged for everyone to have free access to Minecraft Education Edition for at least the next three months.  Go to to find out more.  Your username will be (e.g. and your password is the same one that you use to log onto the computers at school.


Furze Platt Senior School will be live-streaming maths lessons for Years 5-8 every day on  Today you can practise the 6 times-table at 10am, or, if you'd like an extra challenge, you can learn about negative numbers at 11am.


Thank you


Mrs Bond
