We have been awarded a level 5 in the RHS Gardening For Schools Scheme this year (2015). We achieved this by showcasing our garden at our school summer fair and inviting our local community to our school.
Britain In Bloom - Thames And Chilterns Region 2015
We are proud to have won the Mark Mattock Schools Challenge Cup this year (2015). The Mark Mattock's Cup is a prestigious prize awarded to the primary school, within the area of Oxfordshire, Berkshire & Buckinghamshire, that best demonstrates their encouragement for children to participate in gardening.
Mrs. Armstrong and the Cookham Rise Eco Warriors accept the Mark Mattocks Mark Mattocks Challenge Award.
Challenge Award from Mandy Brar, Fiona Hewer and Janet Palmer.
Cookham Rise Primary School
The judges were shown round by six enthusiastic pupils from years 3, 4 and 5 who started off by explaining the work behind the vibrant displays linked to their environmental projects. All the classes participate in Eco-Friendly curriculum activities on both local and international themes. The gardening club has come up with some exciting ways to show off their plants including shoes, wellies and cycling helmets. A salad bar veggie trug was designed for a child in a wheelchair. A range of vegetables, fruit and flowers are grown in beds, pots and a globe greenhouse with the produce taken home or given to the cook for use in school lunches. Compost bins, water butts, a bug hotel and a hedgehog kennel all contribute to this environmentally friendly school.
Eco Schools
We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded Green Flag Status in conjunction with ECO Schools.
We would like to thank everyone that helped us to achieve this and look forward to continuing in our quest.
ECO schools can also be followed at
Caterlink Funding
Cookham Rise was awarded £500.00 from schools catering company Caterlink in 2013. With this money we have expanded/enhanced our garden which has enabled us to supply some home grown produce to our kitchen. We also purchased a veg trug which has enabled our disabled children to participate in the garden.
Send a Cow African Garden Winners 2012/2013
In July 2013 we submitted an entry to the Bag Garden competition. We won! They particularly like the way that we had decorated the bags before planting them up with vegetables.

On 5th December 2012 Mr. Tony Buckle a representative of presented Cookham Rise pupils with their trophy as the winners of the keyhole gardens category of the competition. Mr. Buckle said ' It was good to tell the children all about Send a cow, they showed a genuine interest. It is very pleasing to see all you are doing to teach the children about Africa through supporting various charities.'
Windsor and Maidenhead Recyclebank Scheme
We have again been accepted to take part in the recyclebank points collection scheme which helped us to fund our Dome. This year we would like to buy more veg trugs for our disabled pupils and visitors, fruit cages and a more efficient solar pump for our pond. Please donate your unused points to Cookham Rise via your account
For more information visit
On Friday July 6th 2012 we were presented with our Recyclebank cheque which enabled us to fund our African Garden project. It is on display in the school outside the staffroom.
Cookham In Bloom July 2012/Dorothy Morley Award 2012 Commended
Councillor Gordon Harris presented Mrs. Julie Armstrong and members of the C.R.E.W. team with a certificate of commendation in the Thames and Chilterns Regional Round of The Mark Mattock Schools Challenge Cup. We were also commended for our work by the Berkshire Branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England, the Dorothy Morley Award which is offered every two years, is for schools to earn cash prizes for their environmental projects.
Dorothy Morley Conservation Award - Commended
Margaret Cubley, chairman of the Cookham and Bisham Disrict Group of the CPRE, and her husband Geoffrey came along to Cookham Rise on Tuesday (4thDecember 2012) and presented the pupils with fruit bushes for our garden. These were offered to the school after we were commended for our conservation efforts after entering our Diamond Jubilee Hedge project (see page 4) into the Dorothy Morley Conservation Award.
‘I am very proud of our school environment and am grateful to Julie Armstrong and her team of Eco Warriors for all that they do to create such a lovely place for us to work,’ Helen Daniels (Headteacher)
The Dorothy Morley Conservation Award is run biannually. The award reflects the aspirations of a dedicated conservationist Dorothy Morley who died in 1995. She was a strong campaigner on rural issues being the Chairman of Newbury & Hungerford District for the CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England), and Dorothy also served on the West Berkshire Committee of BBOWT, the local wildlife Trust for several years.
The Award is a tribute to her memory, made possible by the generosity of her family. Dorothy Morley believed in protecting the living environment as a means of improving the quality of life for all, not only as key elements for a sustainable future but also building a strong sense of community and partnership in both towns and villages. CPRE Berkshire promotes the award within schools in Berkshire.