Home Learning Week Beginning 2nd June
Tuesday 2nd June 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy task |
To welcome in our new Summer Term, we are going to start with some Summer poetry.
Go through the PowerPoint attached below.
At the end of the PowerPoint you will be asked to create your own shape poem on something to do with Summer.
Today you will be planning the poem. Draw a mind map on a piece of paper to put your ideas down. Remember to include as many ideas as you can, then tomorrow you can choose your best.
Can you:
Remember that shape poems do not have to rhyme.
Tomorrow you will be choosing your best ideas, editing and improving them before creating your Summer poem.
Reading comprehension – Bramble the Bold A new story with 5 chapters has been uploaded onto your child’s Purple Mash account. This does mean that on one of the days your child will need to complete two chapters plus the quizzes. |
Maths task |
Warm Up: Times tables Rockstars – practise for around 5 minutes or go to Maths chase and work on times tables there.
Main task:
Today the children are working on subtraction. We have worked on counting back in 10s and then 1s when subtracting 2 digit numbers. So for: 56 – 32 = We count back 30 from 56 – 46, 36, 26. Then count back 2 ones from 26 – 25, 24.
Here is another example: 63 – 47 = Count back 40 from 63 – 53, 43, 33, 23 then count back 7 ones – 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16.
Encourage your child to use their number bond knowledge for taking away the ones. 23 – 3 = 20 then 20 – 4 = 16
Task – p18 in textbook (photo sent on Seesaw)
To support – use a hundred square to help. To extend – Worksheet attached below. Work out the missing number by using the inverse (opposite function)
Extension – lines of numbers problem solving activity attached below. |
Spelling rule |
Today’s spelling rule is adding the suffix –less. When we add the suffix less to a word, it means without. So cloudless would mean without clouds. It can just be added straight on to a root word which does not need to be changed at all. Examples include – cloudless, useless, careless, thankless, hopeless, tireless, fearless etc.
The video was uploaded to your child’s personal journal on Seesaw over the weekend.
Here is a link to a very good website that helps with the various rules taught in Year 2. Followed by the link for today’s rule. https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/2/Year-2
The link for today’s rule is the same as last week’s:
Topic |
Down on the farm:
Our focus today is History. Read through the PowerPoint below on A History of Farm Machinery.
Look at how farms have changed how they work over the years and complete the worksheet attached below.
PE |
Keep on the move activity from Youth Sport Trust– attached below. |
Wednesday 3rd June 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy task |
Today you will be using the mind maps you created yesterday to make your Summer poem.
How to create your Summer poem Firstly, you will need to choose your best ideas. Can you improve them in any way? Have you thought of any better or more powerful adjectives? Next, play around with the order of your poem. Read it through putting your ideas in different orders and think about which sounds the best. Then, draw an outline of what your poem is about (if it is about a sandcastle, draw the outline of a big sandcastle). This has to be big enough to fit your poem inside. Finally, write your poem inside your picture.
You are welcome to use one of the summery page borders attached below.
If you would like to perform your poem and send a video on Seesaw, this would be a lovely extra.
Reading comprehension – Bramble the Bold |
Maths task |
Warm Up Bond Bubbles has been set on Purple Mash for you to complete.
Main task We are continuing with subtraction today.
Rehearse the method of counting back in 10s with your child. They can start at a number like 144 and count back in tens until they get to 4. Repeat with various numbers that have different ones value i.e. 79, 101 etc.
Complete the PowerPoint below on subtractions.
To support – use hundred square to help with the PowerPoint or reduce the value of the numbers you are working on. To extend – complete the mastery checkpoint |
Spelling rule |
Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. |
Topic |
Down on the farm:
Look at the photos of farm equipment, old and new, below. Think about the key differences.
Now focus on ploughing. Draw your own pictures of how it was completed in the past and in the present. Can you label your picture? Remember to look carefully at the photos for detail. You may even want to do some research on the internet to find the technical names for parts of the machinery.
There are also YouTube videos that you can watch on how fields used to be ploughed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5ielh00ZKo
And using a tractor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMCmWlOB780
If you have any sand at home, try ploughing it using your fingers or a fork. How neat can you get your lines? Alternatively, you can use flour in a shallow baking tray.
Please upload your work onto Seesaw. |
PE |
Cross the river activity from Youth Sport Trust – attached below |
Thursday 4th June 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy Task |
Read ‘Bed in the Summer’ poem by Robert Louis Stevenson. Answer the questions related to the poem. Try to use as much explanation in your answers as you can.
Reading comprehension – Bramble the Bold |
Maths task |
Starter Watch these videos to remind yourself of the coins and notes we use here in the UK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs8F_g3MGtM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DDI_RlZB0c
Main Activity Look at the first picture below. Choose an item from the shelf. Could you pay for this item using 1 coin? 2 coins? 3 coins? etc. Now look at the second picture – how much money is in the purse altogether? How do we write this as an amount? (£4.25). We usually write amounts less than £1 as pence only eg 45p, the p stands for pence. Amounts greater than £1 we write in decimal notation. The decimal point separates the pounds from the pence. Have a go at making the following amounts with coins in front of you if you can
Now have a go at Textbook page 21 below To support – try adding just the coins. Perhaps an adult could say how much money there is in each picture and you could practise writing that amount in decimal notation. To extend – have a go at adding two or three of the amounts of money together, from textbook page 21
Spelling rule |
Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. |
Science |
We are starting our last Science unit – The Environment Lesson 1 - Climate Change Have a look through the Climate Change PowerPoint. Have a go at the ice cube comparative test. I have attached the sheet if you want to fill this in alongside. If not, you could just make a verbal prediction and then carry out the activity. If you have a greenhouse or a conservatory, you could place an ice cube there and compare with another room in the house. I look forward to seeing your results! |
Friday 5th June 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy task |
For today’s lesson we would like you to perform the poem ‘Bed in Summer’ by Robert Louis Stevenson. Think about what props you could use and how you could use your voice. We would love to see a video of you performing the poem on Seesaw! Can you find any other summer poems on the internet or in books that you like? Perhaps you might like to film yourself reading aloud.
Reading comprehension – Bramble the Bold |
Maths task |
Starter What 3 coins could you use to make: - £1.22 £3.50 £1.03 Main activity Take a look at the money pace value grids in the picture below. The first grid represents the amount £6.36. Can you work out what the other grids represent? Have a look at the purse in picture 2. How much money is in the purse? Note that we write this amount like this £1.05. See picture 3 to see the place value grid next to the pure. There are no ‘tens’ in the pence column, only 5p, so we need a zero as a place holder. Have another go at writing the amounts shown on the grids in picture 4, remembering to write a zero as a place holder.
Now have a go at the problem solving activity in picture 5.
To support – have a go at the first 2 questions. Then pick any amount from the coins and write what the total is. It would help to have these coins physically if possible.
To extend – have a go at the questions and then try to think of your own to ask. Perhaps you could think of some questions to ask a sibling or a grown up. Make sure you know the answers first!
I have also attached a fun game called The Last Coin.
Spelling rule |
Test spelling knowledge. This can be done reading out the words or dictating a sentence containing the word in for the child to write. If they are writing a sentence, remind your child to be accurate with punctuation and use their best handwriting. |
Music |
Log onto the Charanga site https://charanga.com/user/login/ and you should see a new unit has been added called ‘Reflect, Rewind and Replay’. This is the final unit of the year and it revisits some learning that the children have been doing in Year 2.
Select step 1 and you will see a list of activities. Work your way through the first 7 activities on the list (you do not have to do them all if you don’t wish to). Towards the bottom of the list you will see the songs that we have learnt this year. If you would like to, you can click on a song and sing along to it.
RE |
Islam – Does completing Hajj make a person a better Muslim? Special Journeys
Discussion - Have you ever been on a special journey? Where? When? Why? With Whom? What made it so special? Perhaps you went to visit someone on a special birthday? Or to see someone who was poorly? Maybe you have been abroad somewhere to celebrate a wedding? Maybe recently you have been able to visit some family and friends who you haven’t been able to see for a while, and this made it special?
Draw a picture of you on your special journey and write about why it was so special.