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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Home Learning Week Beginning 27th April

Week beginning Monday 27th April 2020

Monday 27th April 2020


Monday 27th April 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task/ Life skills task

Key question - What makes a good friend?


Discuss this together. Think about:

Will the answers be the same for everyone? As everyone is different they may attribute different qualities to a good friend.


Today’s task is to make a friend for Beegu. On a piece of paper, draw what the friend may look like in the middle of the paper and then write about the personality of that friend around the outside (like a mind map). Think specifically about Beegu:


Beegu likes cuddling so his friend may have soft arms that like to wrap her in a warm embrace.

They could have gentle eyes that make you feel safe as Beegu was all alone in a foreign world.


Beegu was also sad about how people on earth treated her so they might be full of kind words that lift her spirit.

The friend may be patient as it is hard to understand someone who speaks a different language.


Tomorrow you will be writing these ideas into sentences.


Reading comprehension – CGP book

The Tear Thief p14


Maths task

Mental Addition and Subtraction


Warm Up

Doubles. Teach your parent how to play ping pong. The adult says ping, child says pong then the adult says a number that the child responds to with the double. Work on doubles up to 15 + 15 first. Do not let the game slow down, give up to 5 seconds for a response and then give the answer if they have not worked it out.

To support – change to doubles up to 5 + 5 =

To extend – Go up to 50 + 50 =


Main task

Today you are using number facts to add three numbers together.

Look at 7 + 6 + 7 =

What numbers would you add together first?

What about 4 + 8 + 6 =

Find the number bond to 10 then add the final number.


Textbook task –Bonds to 10 and doubles (photo of work on Seesaw)


To support – Use pieces of pasta/counters to represent the numbers they are adding to help them.

To extend – Answer these questions using doubling (photo of work on Seesaw)


Additional game -


Spelling rule

Spelling rule this week –


RWI homework book



Down on the Farm:

Open up your fridge and food cupboards. Choose a selection of foods and find out where they came from by looking at the label.

Find the country on a map or computer (one is saved in resources section).

Can you name the continent it’s in?

Does it have any surrounding oceans or seas?

Do you know the capital city of that country?

How do you think it got to your fridge/cupboard?


Draw a fridge or cupboard and fill it with illustrations of the food items you have research. Make sure you put which country it came from.


















Tuesday 28th April 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Today’s Literacy lesson will be spent writing about the friend you have invented for Beegu. This work needs to be written in clear sentences.


Spend some time asking your child to read through the character descriptions in the document below to give them ideas of how to set out their work and also the type of language and sentence structure that is used in a character description.


Character description checklist. Did I…

  • Describe what the character looks like?
  • Describe how the character acts and why?
  • Describe what the character thinks and feels?
  • Use interesting adjectives?


Reading comprehension – CGP book

The United Kingdom p 15

Maths task

Mental Addition and Subtraction


Warm Up

How many pairs (bonds) can you write to 10 in 1 minute. Now try writing all pairs to 20 in 2 minutes.

To support – give more time

To extend – try pairs to larger numbers.


Main task

Today’s main focus is to use number bonds to 10 and 20 in word problems.


Children need to think of their own word problem involving number bonds. They need to think of a context (provide ideas if necessary: e.g. aliens, dancers, sharks, cakes, footballs, cars, wands, superheroes, toys). They decide their story and write the corresponding number sentence. They can draw a simple picture of the story and write the number sentence.

Example - ten elephants are walking together, then two elephants wander off, which leaves eight elephants. 10 – 2 = 8.

Can you come up with 5 word problems involving a mixture of addition and subtraction questions?


Additional task –

Word problem challenge cards. Choose between the two attachments below (addition and subtraction to 100 is the harder task.)

Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. 


Down on the Farm:

Today and tomorrows task:

Watch the video


Think about how far your food travels to get your plate.

Is it a good thing we can have a large selection of foods to buy from all around the world?

How could we reduce the distance food travels to get to us?


Today and tomorrow I would like you to design a poster to encourage people to buy and eat local produce. Think about the advantages of doing this and show this through drawings and captions. Spend time sketching your illustrations and writing the facts.


Top Tips:


  • Posters need to be eye catching so think about the layout and colours you use.
  • Using rhetorical questions is an effective way to get people to stop and think about the topic e.g. Are you worried about the environment? Have you ever thought about…?
  • Try and use persuasive adjectives: fantastic, worthwhile, remarkable, harmful.
  • Use bossy verb sentence starters to get people’s attention: Don’t… Imagine the… Consider…




Wednesday 29th April 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

‘Beegu was not supposed be here. She was lost’


Today I would like you to think about how Beegu ended up on Earth.


If she was not supposed to be here, where was she heading? What reasons could there have been for her travelling on her own without her parents? What happened on the flight to make her ship crash down on Earth?


Write a new opening for the Beegu story. Remember that good stories introduce the characters and setting so you will need the work you completed last week for Beegu’s world.


You can write your ideas down on any paper or use the attached sheets below. You may even feel like typing out the story on a computer.


Reading comprehension – CGP book

Our Solar System – p16-17

Maths task

Warm Up

Find bonds to 20. Write down all of the number bonds to 20. Is there a logical way to write them down to make sure you haven’t forgotten any? Give your answers to an adult and they can test you by saying a number and you call out what you add to it to make 20.


To support – roll a dice and say what you add to it to make 10. How many calculations can you do in 1 minute?

To extend – roll a dice twice to make a 2-digit number. What do you add to this number to make 100?


Main task

Today you are working on adding numbers to the next multiple of 10. Choose a number less than 50 like 27. What is the next 10 after it? What do you need to add to it to make this number? Repeat with other numbers.


Complete the questions from the PowerPoint below. The answers are on the third slide so be careful not to look until you have finished!


Further challenge – Mathopoly game. Working out change from £1. Hint - use your number bond knowledge to make the next multiple of 10 then work out how many more 10s you need to make 100. For example: working out change from 71p you add 9p to make 80p and then need 20p more so the change would be 29p. 


Abacus online - Balloon Pop


Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. 


Down on the farm:


Please see yesterday’s plan.

Indoor PE ideas

Cosmic Yoga

PE with Joe Wicks

Andy’s Wild Workouts (Cbeebies)


Other fun ideas:



Wheelbarrow and bear crawl races (space dependent)

Dance party (there are lots of just dance clips on YouTube)

Running up and down stairs

Push ups on the stairs

Jumping jacks

Scavenger hunt (timed)

Pillow fight

Popcorn sit-ups. Have an adult sit in front of you and every time you get up to sitting, you get a bit of popcorn. Can also do this for press-ups with a bowl of popcorn underneath you.



Thursday 30th April 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task


We would like you to put all of your Beegu ideas from this week and last week into a poem.  Collect words, phrases or sentences that you think best describe how Beegu is feeling. Arrange these ideas to create a poem that has rhythm and flows.  For example: -


ignored in a world of strangers

desperate to go home



To extend, try creating an acrostic poem where the first letter of each line will spell ‘BEEGU’ downwards.


Reading comprehension – CGP book

On the Farm p 18 - 19

Maths task

Warm up

Play helicopter rescue.  Select ‘count on and back’ and pick a level that you feel challenges you.


Working out change by counting on

Have a look at picture 1 (the banana).  This is an example of how we can work out a subtraction (in this case working out change) by counting on on a number line.  We start at the smallest number, jump to the next multiple of ten and then continue jumps to get to the largest number.  We then count how many jumps we did in total which gives us our answer.  When you are familiar with this method, have a go at the cupcake picture – how much change would you get if you paid for the 85p cupcake with a £1 coin? Remember that £1 is 100p.  Finally, picture number 3 – the choccy bar.  How much change would you get if you paid with a 50p coin?


Choose one of the ‘change’ documents to continue with this method.

To support – use a 100 square to help with the jumps.  Start with multiple of 10 amounts eg 50p-30p.

To extend – try working out change with larger amounts, including decimal notation e.g. £5 - £2.76.  Use the same method of counting jumps on a number line.


For fun, and to test your ability to work out change mentally, have a go at this game.  There are 2 levels of challenge.


Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. 


Growing and changing

Look at the powerpoint ‘growing and changing’. Then, complete ‘human growth timeline sheet’.  Cut out the pictures and stick them in the correct order.  For more challenge, stick the pictures onto a blank piece of paper and write a paragraph next to each one to show what you remember about each stage of life.




Friday 1st May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Performance poetry

Look back at your poem from yesterday.  Practise reading it out aloud to a family member, thinking about using your voice, body language and even props! You could even upload a video of your performance to Seesaw.


Reading comprehension – CGP Book

Sports p 20-21

Maths task

 Warm up

Roll a dice twice to generate a 2-digit number.  Say the number to make it up to the next 10.  E.g if I roll 4 then 7 my number is 47.  The next ten is 50 and I know that 7 and 3 are number bonds to ten so the answer is 3.  See how quick you can get.


Subtraction on a number line continued

Remind yourself of the method for subtraction that we did yesterday (counting up on a number line to work out change). We are going to continue with this method today.  Remember, the smallest number goes first on the number line (which is the opposite to how we write a subtraction).  We need to jump to the largest number and count the total number of jumps.  Ideally, we want to keep the number of jumps down. 


Have a go at page 7 or 9 from your workbook.  You can do both if you want to!


To support – use a 100 square to help with the jumps.

To extend – Have a go at ‘Friday extension calculations’ in the picture section below.



Spelling rule

Test spelling knowledge. This can be done reading out the words or dictating a sentence containing the word in for the child to write. If they are writing a sentence, remind your child to be accurate with punctuation and use their best handwriting. 


Log on to the charanga website and select the ‘Friendship song’ unit.  Your activities for today will be

  • listen and appraise ‘Count on me’ by Bruno Mars.  Click through the tabs for some prompts to think about.  How does it compare to the friendship song?
  • Have a go at the ‘flexible games track – friendship song’ there are 3 different challenge levels to choose from.


Last week we thought about what communities we belong to.  We have learnt a lot about the Muslim community, and in particular, Muslim prayer rituals.  This term we are thinking about how going to a Mosque can give Muslims a sense of belonging

