Week commencing 18th May
Friday 22nd May 2020
Good morning, Year 5.
I cannot believe we have finished another half-term under lock-down and I hope you have a lovely break. Next half-term, until you are back in school, I will be teaching Year 6 on two days each week and so will only be making phone calls on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Work will still be set in the same way every day, but I may not have the opportunity to give much feedback on Thursdays and Fridays. I will, however, still try to respond to any urgent messages on these days.
Today, please could you:
- Complete Day 22 in your Early Morning Workbook
- Complete the Translation with Co-ordinates activity on Seesaw. If you have time, you could also have a go at the BBC Bitesize weekly maths challenge set on Seesaw
- In your CPG Reading Comprehension book, work through The Unluckiest Boy in the World on pages 4 and 5
- For your science work today, finish the Seesaw activity on the life-cycle of butterflies
- In your spelling book, complete special focus 12 on page 61
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
If you’d like some activities to do over half-term, as well as reading on Bug Club, you could complete the activities on reflection and translation on pages 66-69 of your CPG book.
I hope you have a lovely holiday and have some fun outdoor experiences over the next week!
Take care
Mrs Bond
Thursday 21st May
Good morning, Year 5.
I hope you had the chance to enjoy the sunshine yesterday. It won’t be quite as warm today, but is still forecast to be beautiful, so do try to get out for a walk and some fresh air!
Today, please could you:
- Complete Day 21 in your Early Morning Workbook
- Complete the Maths lesson on translation on Seesaw
- For your English task today, I’d like you to write a letter or make a card to send to someone who you haven’t seen since lock-down began. If possible, please choose someone who might be lonely at this time, such as a grandparent or someone with a serious health condition. Think how much it will cheer them up to receive an unexpected letter from someone who loves them! In your letter, make sure you ask how they are, tell them about what you’re doing and share some positive thoughts. When you are writing to someone, it’s important to present your work carefully and check your spelling and punctuation – putting effort into your work helps show how much you care. Please share a copy of your letter on Seesaw before putting it in the post. Make sure you address the envelope correctly – please ask an adult if you aren’t sure how to do this!
- In your spelling book, complete choose the right word on page 60
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
For French, continue with our Memrise challenge at: https://www.memrise.com/group/397919/. Try and do at least 5 minutes every day and see if you can move up our leaderboard! Well done to Josie, who is currently top, closely followed by Ellis. Last week, Jenson topped the leaderboard, with Harry in second place. Well done to everyone who’s got involved - keep it up Year 5! You need to create a Memrise account at www.memrise.com before you can join the Beech 5 group.
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Bond
Wednesday 20th May 2020
Good morning Year 5!
The weather forecast for today is amazing. Please make sure you spend some time outside, but remember to put on some suncream!
Please could you:
- Complete Day 20 in your Early Morning Workbook
- Complete maths activity on Reflection with Co-ordinates on Seesaw
- Today you have an English catch-up day. Please could you make sure you’re up-to-date with all your English work, including making any suggested improvements to your work? Check you can log onto ActiveLearn and choose a book to read over half-term.
- In your spelling book, complete dictation and four-in-a-row on page 59
- Follow the topic lesson on natural resources at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmjf382
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
Our life-skills work carries on the themes of mindfulness and gratitude. Look at the activity on Seesaw about being strong like a tree. Can you identify things you have around you that are your roots and support you in difficult times?
For computing this week, choose one of the following:
- Complete an hour of code by choosing an activity at https://hourofcode.com/uk/learn
- Follow a tutorial on Scratch https://scratch.mit.edu/
- Get involved with a weekly online lesson at 6pm UK time every Wednesday at https://code.org/break
Thank you all very much! I hope you have a lovely day.
Mrs Bond
Tuesday 19th May 2020
Good morning Year 5!
Thank you to everyone who checked they could access Bug Club on ActiveLearn yesterday, If you haven't already done so, please could you do that today? Your activities today are:
Complete Day 19 in your Early Morning Workbook.
Complete the English and maths activities on Seesaw
English – Writing about life in lock-down
Maths lesson on Reflection
In your spelling book, complete the dots and dashes and word changers on page 58. You can now watch the spelling zone video for this unit on Seesaw.
Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
Yesterday, we started to look at the artwork of Abdalla al Omari and how he represents refugees. During the rest of this week, I’d like you to create a piece of artwork that represents your life in lock-down. It could be a portrait, photograph, collage, painting or drawing. I’d love at least one contribution from every member of the class, so I can put your work together into a short film. Please could you send your work to me by Friday, so I can edit it over half-term?
Thank you all very much! I hope you have a lovely day.
Mrs Bond
Monday 18th May 2020
Good morning Year 5. I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend
If you haven’t finished “The Boy at the Back of the Class”, please try to do so before the end of half-term. Your new Early Morning Work books will be available to collect early in June. Please could you return your copy of The Boy at the Back of the Class to school then? I will have some copies of A Boy and a Bear in a Boat available to borrow on the same day.
This week, you may find the maths activities easier to do on paper, so all the worksheets, along with this week’s handwriting exercise, are on the website https://www.cookhamriseprimary.org/beech-5-6/ If you do complete them on paper, please upload a photograph to the activity on Seesaw, so I can see your work!
Today, please could you:
- Complete Day 18 in your Early Morning Workbook
- Check whether you can access “Bug Club” at ActiveLearn (https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/) and choose a book to begin reading. Please let me know if you have any difficulty logging in. You should aim to read at least one Bug Club book over the half-term holiday
- Complete the English and maths activities on Seesaw
- Maths lesson on co-ordinates
- English lesson on "Dreams of Freedom"
- In your spelling book, complete the spelling zone on page 57 about words ending in –cial or -ital
- Handwriting exercise – The Owl and the Pussy-Cat
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
For our art project this week, take a look at https://www.facebook.com/pg/TheVulnerabilitySeries/photos/?ref=page_internal
The artist is Abdalla al Omari, a Syrian refugee, who has reimagined many world leaders as refugees. Then look at the Seesaw activity – what are the world leaders thinking? Why do you think he has represented them in this way?
Remember to do some exercise and keep active.
I hope you have a great day!
Mrs Bond