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School Logo

Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Willow 6

Welcome to Willow 6


Children have settled brilliantly back in school and we are looking forward to an exciting and busy summer term.  We will be visiting the Second World War with our topic "We'll Meet Again" and preparing our Leavers' Production, The Amazing Adventures of Super Stan.


Children who are self-isolating will be set work via Seesaw within 24 hours.  In the meantime, they should ensure they are up-to-date with all homework and any activities on Teams and Seesaw.  


In addition to any work set via Teams or Seesaw, every day children should complete:

  • Ten minutes times-tables practice on TTRockstars
  • Ten minutes spelling practice at Spelling Frame 
  • Read for a minimum of 15 minutes every day (longer if possible - 30 minutes would be great and could include an adult reading aloud)
  • An hour of exercise, including some time outside if the weather allows


Children can access more things to do on BBC Bitesize and Oak Online Academy.  Further suggestions and ideas can be found at on the school webpage here.



