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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Home Learning Week Beginning 8th June

Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020


Monday 8th June 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

On May 30th 2020 a very exciting event took place. The SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket launched from the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, USA. Some of you may have watched the launch and even, if you were lucky enough, spotted the rocket in orbit. We have decided to dedicate this week to Space.


Today you are going to write about the launch using the 5 senses.



Use the worksheet attached below to help you come up with ideas. When thinking about what you can touch/feel, you could write about the heat of the blast, the air that exploded from the rocket, the vibrations on the ground etc. Taste is another hard sense to write about, but you could think about the taste of smoke that billows out from the rocket.


Extra - On Seesaw Mrs Strawson’s son has read the David Walliam’s book The First Hippo on the Moon to his sisters.


Reading comprehension: Bug club

For the next three days (Monday to Wednesday) you have been allocated a Bug Club book. You may choose which order you read them in.

Maths task

Warm Up:

Spend some time on Timestables Rockstars.


Main Task:

Today’s lesson focus is the 3x tables. Begin by counting on and back in 3s. Start at different numbers in the times tables and see if your child can carry on/back. To support – write them out on a piece of paper for your child to recite.

Ask your child to write down the numbers in the three times table in order to help them with the task.


Main task – complete the questions on the PowerPoint attached below.


To support – write 3,6,9,12 etc on a piece of paper for your child to use.

To extend – after completing the PowerPoint, move on to the mastery checkpoint attached below.


Have a go at the game below. Can you work out the multiples of three?



Spelling rule

Today’s spelling rule is adding the suffix –ment.

When we add the suffix –ment to a root word we change it from a verb to a noun.

For example:

Enjoy (verb) + ment = enjoyment (noun)


Treatment, amazement, movement, attachment, judgement, measurement, enjoyment, punishment, replacement entertainment etc.


Here is a link to a very good website that helps with the various rules taught in Year 2. Followed by the link for today’s rule.


The link for today’s rule is, again, the same as the last two weeks.




Down on the farm:


Today we are going to be looking at where different foods come from. We would like you to go onto a supermarket’s website and type in different items of fruit, vegetables and meat. When you find out what country they were produced in, we would like you to draw this on a map (attached below).


For example:


This is the web address for Waitrose melons. If you click on ‘Product Details’ below and to the right of the picture, it will tell you what countries they are supplied from.


You would then draw melons on your map in the countries stated on the website.



Cosmic Kids Yoga

Mike and Muttnik on the Moon



Tuesday 9th June 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Listen to Mrs Strawson reading Rocketmole on Seesaw and answer the reading comprehension questions on the sheet attached below. To help with this, I have sent you all an announcement to your Seesaw account with the pages of the book. Look in your inbox for the photos.


When you have finished this, can you come up with a design for the front cover? Think about the characters and what happens in the story. Remember to include the author (Matt Carr) and then write your name down as the illustrator.


Extra – space challenge cards


Reading comprehension – Bug Club book

Maths task

Warm Up:

Hit the button game for times tables.


Main task:

Our main task today is to write multiplications to go with arrays and understand that multiplication is commutative (meaning that 3x4=4x3)


When working out multiplication facts, we can use arrays to help us. An array is an arrangement of objects or numbers put into rows and columns. Look at the arrays below:



Main task – p22 of textbook (sent as an announcement via Seesaw)


To support – complete p29 in your workbooks

To extend – Choose a number between 20 and 30. How many different arrays can you draw for this number? Write down all of the multiplication facts. Repeat with another number.



For the number 18 you would be able to draw all of the following arrays in picture form:

1 x 18 = 18

18 x 1 = 18

2 x 9 = 18

9 x 2 = 18

3 x 6 = 18

6 x 3 = 18

Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on today’s spellings.



Down on the farm:


Today you are going to be comparing two farms from different locations around the world. One farm is in Africa and the other in the UK.


Go through the PowerPoint below – Comparing farms in Kenya and the UK before completing the worksheet.



1 minute challenges.


Try doing the following tasks for 1 minute each. Remember to have a break between and to drink water.


  • Star jumps
  • Running on the spot
  • Press ups
  • Squats
  • Sit ups
  • Plank
  • Elbow to knee cruches



Wednesday 10th June 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

When Rocketmole went to the moon, he realised something when looking back down at the earth. He missed it and his friends. He said the earth looked so beautiful, with its oceans, lands and fluffy clouds.

For our next task based on Space, we are going to ask you to describe what Earth looks like from Space. Use the picture below to help you.


Think about:

What the earth looks like.

  • Colours/shape of the Earth/shape of the countries you can see

What it is surrounded by.

  • Directly around it and further away


You can write it down on a piece of paper/book from home or use the paper attached below.



Reading comprehension – Bug Club book

Maths task

Warm Up

Practise counting up and down in 3s. Can you answer quick fire multiplication questions – 7 x 3 = , 5 x 3 = etc.


Main task

Today you are going to be using your multiplication knowledge and/or arrays to help answer multiplication questions.



When planting seeds, Farmer Jo wants to arrange his crops into rectangles as this is the shape of his fields.

You need to work out the different arrays that Farmer Jo can use to plant different numbers of seeds. Using the number of seeds below, work out the different ways (arrays) that he can use. Some numbers may not be able to be arranged into an array. The fields have to be at least 2 seeds deep/wide so you cannot plant them in single file.

  1. 10 seeds
  2. 12 seeds
  3. 13 seeds
  4. 14 seeds
  5. 17 seeds
  6. 20 seeds
  7. 21 seeds
  8. 25 seeds


To support – use cubes or objects to make physical arrays. Start with smaller numbers.

To extend – Write down all of the multiplication facts with your work. Remember that you can swap the numbers round in a multiplication and they will still total the same number.

Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule.


Down on the farm:


Weather diary.

Using the document below, keep a weather diary to compare the weather in the capital of Kenya, Nairobi, and our capital.


I would like you to fill in the information for 4 days. You can decide on the dates you record and the time.


Additional task – Look at the work you did on Monday on the maps. Find out the capital cities of any of the countries you found.


Thursday 11th June 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task

Reading comprehension – Neil Armstrong (there are 3 different ability levels, please choose a level that best suits your child).


Today we would like you to gather information to write a newspaper article about the moon landing in 1969.  Today really is just about collecting the information – you will be writing it in tomorrow’s lesson.  There are a couple of ways to gather the information. 

  1. The Reading comprehension – do this first so that you can remember some facts.
  2. I have attached a powerpoint on the moon landing.
  3. Go to BBC bitesize following this link , watch the 2 videos in the Neil Armstrong lesson.  Make notes of the important information to include in your news article


Who – who were the astronauts? Who was the President who decided to send them there?

What – what did they do? What was the name of the rocket

When – when did this happen? Make a note of the date.

Where – which county did they go from? Where did they go to?

Why – why did they go there?


Think of a headline – this is a short snappy bold title to grab the reader’s attention.  It can sometimes use word play or alliteration e.g. Man’s Mighty Moon landing.


Think of a quote – a quote is something that a person has said.  You can make it up for the purpose of this activity.  For example you might say that Neil Armstrong felt ‘excited and nervous’ as he stepped onto the moon.  Put the words they said in inverted commas.  There is a very famous quote that Neil Armstrong said, you might like to include this in your article.


I have attached a planning grid which you may find useful to jot down your notes.


Maths task


Play the following game to help you to recognise multiples of 3 (numbers in the 3 x table).


Main Activity

Look at picture 1.  It is Monster Sports’ Day.  ‘Quadumon’ monsters have 4 legs and put 2 legs in each sack.  How many monsters could take part of there were 14 sacks? In other words how many twos are in fourteen?  × 2 = 14.  We can solve this by counting up in 2s on our fingers until we reach 14. 


Picture 2 shows the monster ‘Pentamon’, who has 5 arms and 5 legs and is participating in the egg and spoon race.  If there were only twenty eggs, how many monsters could be in the race?    

  × 5 = 20.  Again, we can count on our fingers in 5s until we reach 20.


Picture 3 shows an ogre.  Ogres are having a cabbage juggling competition. Each ogre will juggle three cabbages at once. If there are twelve cabbages, how many ogres can juggle at the same time? Write  × 3 = 12. How could we work it out?  The same way; we can count in 3s until we reach 12.  Have a go at working out the answer and look at picture 4 to see if your got it correct.


Now have a go at page 31 in your workbooks


To support – help your child to see that the first missing number is the number of aliens in the picture.  To help them find the final missing number they could keep a running total of legs underneath each alien as they count.  Or, they could use the multiplication square attached.


To Extend – have a go at textbook page 24 (see picture below).  If this is too easy, have a go at making up some multiplication questions with pictures to represent harder times tables that you have learnt e.g 6, 7, 8, 9 or 12

Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. 


Reduce, reuse, recycle

Have a look through the powerpoint below.  Your task is to design a poster to encourage people to reduce, reuse and recycle.  Make your poster clear, eye-catching and informative.  You could also find out how different materials are recycled in your home.  Post some pictures on Seesaw to show us what you have found out.



Friday 12th June 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Reading comprehension – Buzz Aldrin (again there are 3levels to choose from).


Today we are going to be writing out our news articles in neat.  I have attached a Newspaper layout in the documents section, as well as on Purple Mash.  You can choose whether you would like to write it out, or type it up. 


Use your notes from yesterday, and I have also attached a word map with some words/phrases you might like to include.

Maths task


Sing along to the 3 times table song on youtube

Main Activity

The Pentamons have left their shoes in the changing room whilst they do the swimming race. There are 35 shoes so we can find out how many Pentamons have gone swimming. Remember that Pentamons have five arms and five legs! 

  × 5 = 35   How many fives make thirty-five? 

 35 ÷ 5 = .

Count up in 5s, holding up one finger for each Pentamon and fill in the missing number in each number sentence. Have a look at picture 2 to show the shoes sorted into groups of 5, were you correct?


Picture 3 shows a Triomon and 18 left behind shoesTriomons are three-legged monsters! 

  × 3 = 18  How many threes make eighteen?

18 ÷ 3 = What is eighteen divided by three? 

Have a look at picture 4 to see if you were correct.


Now have a go at page 33 in your workbook


To support – try page 32 instead – the pictures might make it easier for you.  Use a pencil to divide the shoes into groups for the monsters’ feet.


To extend – carry out an investigation to find out which numbers of monsters from 1 to 30 can be divided into teams of 2, 3, 5 or 10 without leaving any left out. Eg 12 monsters will divide equally into teams of 2 and 3 but not 5 or 10.  There is a document for you to record your results onto.  Try to make predictions and make note of any patterns that you notice.

Spelling rule

Test spelling knowledge. This can be done reading out the words or dictating a sentence containing the word in for the child to write. If they are writing a sentence, remind your child to be accurate with punctuation and use their best handwriting. 


Log onto your Charanga account at pick and choose from the activities down the right hand side.  Again, the songs we have learnt this year are towards the bottom if you would like to listen to and sing along with them.


Do you remember your special journeys you thought about last week? Muslims aim to make a special journey or pilgrimage to a place called Mecca/Makkah as long as they can afford to and are in good health.  We will find out more about this journey next week. 


This week we would like you to find out about Mecca.

  • What country/continent is it in? What is the capital and flag of this country?
  • If you have Google Earth perhaps you could see whereabouts Mecca is in the world.
  • How many miles/km is it from where we live?
  • How long would it take to get there in an aeroplane?
  • What is the weather/climate like there?
  • In which direction is Mecca (do you remember we talked about Muslims facing Mecca when they pray?)