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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Week Commencing 11th May

Friday 15th May


It has been lovely to see your hard work on Seesaw this week.  I really do appreciate all the effort that you and your families are putting into your home learning. Here are your activities for today;


Friday  15th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task


The Mousehole Cat is told through the eyes of Mowzer the cat, how would Tom retell the story?

You task today is to retell the story from Tom’s point of view. Think about first person vocabulary ie. I, we, us. This will be your first draft.

Look at attached power point for pictures, to help you remember the story.

Spelling Task

Unit 12 - Team teach

Times table task  

10 minutes timetable practice

Maths Task

Interpreting Data

Using the table of results from Wednesdays lesson. Create a pictogram and bar chart to show your data.  For support children could use the templates in additional resources. 


Sikhism – Vaisakhi


Use the link in additional to learn about Vaisakhi.


Task: By cutting round the dotted line, children create their own Pop-Up Cards using the Vaisakhi Pop-Up Cards template in additional resources.


Additional resources

Additional activities

Thursday 14th May


Good morning Year 3. If I didn’t speak to you on Tuesday, I will be calling you today between 9.30am - noon.  I was so glad to see many of you having fun with the mass work set yesterday, great idea for thinking outside the box and weighing your pets.


Thursday  14th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task

Mousehole Cat – Toms’ Viewpoint

Go through the PowerPoint in additional resources and complete the tasks.

Spelling Task

Unit 12 -  choose the right word.

Class Reader

Listen to the next chapter of The Wreck Of Zanzibar.

Timestables Task  

10 minutes timetable practice

Maths Task


Choose either task below;

  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold


Sikhism – Sharing


Go through the PowerPoint and video, see in additional resources.


Task: What sharing can we find in everyday life? Draw a picture and label it.

Additional resources

Additional activities

Wednesday 13th May


Good morning Year 3. I hope that you had a fabulous start to your week. Today, I am pleased to announce the winners of the water cycle animation. Thank you to all of you who had a go, I was very impressed by the high standard of the work and it was extremely hard for me to choose. But the following will be receiving a little well done from me in the post next week;

  • Henry B
  • Florence
  • Joseph   

Have another great day of learning and I look forward to seeing your work on SeeSaw.


Wednesday 13th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task

 Mousehole Cat – Comprehension

Spend 45 minutes on this activity, I would prefer quality over quantity.

Spelling Task

Unit 12 – Four in a row


10 minutes timetable practice

Maths Task


Try and find some objects that weigh 100g and 1 kg and feel the difference in weight (hint, weight out rice or flour if you can't find anything). How many 100 g makes a kilogram?

  • Ten 100 g weights would weigh the same as 1 kg. There are one thousand grams in one kilogram. Count in 100s to 1000, holding up one finger for each 100 said. How many grams in two kilograms? How many kilograms is the same as five thousand grams?
  • Find 3 different objects and estimate their weight.
  • What unit we would use to weigh a cat, a mouse and a fully grown tiger?


Task: Draw out a table like the one below;




















Estimate then weigh 5 items of your choice in G or KG and record your results in a table.

If you do not have weighing scales, then please complete pages 14 and 15 in your CJP book.

Extension: Active Learn – Toucan Team

Lifeskills / Art

Fair Trade


Go through the PowerPoint on Fair Trade.


Task: Coffee paintings or patterns. See in additional resources.

Additional resources

Additional Activites

Tuesday 12th May


Good morning Oak 3.  Here is your home learning for today.


Tuesday 12th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task

 Yesterday, you drafted the song that Mowser sang to the Storm-Cat.

Today, go on to write your final draft of the song.

Can you publish it in an interesting way?  On the computer with pictures/graphics/using presentation tools?  Handwritten with a great page border?

Then, when you upload it to SeeSaw, can you add a voice over of you reading it?  Think about how you read it, how your voice can add to the dramatic effect.  Remember, sometimes pauses are as powerful as words

Spelling Task

Unit 12 - Dictation

SPAG Task  

Mark wants chicken. Set on Purple Mash

Class Reader  Listen to the next chapter of The Wreck Of  Zanzibar on Seesaw.

Maths Task

Tables and bar charts


Choose either task below;


  • CJP books pages 52 and 53.


  •  Roll the dice. Children roll the dice 10 times and keep a tally chart of each number rolled. They then draw a bar chart to show their results. For support children could use the templates in additional resources.

Life skills

 Staying Safe Online.


Create a poster or video with 5 top tips on how to stay safe online

Additional resources

Additional activities

Monday 11th May


Good morning, Oak 3. We hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend and enjoyed the glorious sunshine we were fortunate enough to have. I will be announcing the winners of our water cycle competition tomorrow (you have made it very hard to choose, they are all brilliant). Today is a musical Monday and I hope you enjoy the tasks set.


Monday 11th May 2020

Subject focus


Writing Activity

Mousehole Cat


Write the first draft of the song that Mowzer sung to the storm cat. Think of words that he may of used to calm storm cat. See template in additional resources.

Spelling Task

Unit 12 – Words to log and learn

Reading Task  

Read  Chapter 3 and answer the multiple choice questions of Treasures’ Island On Purple Mash

Maths Task



Go through the PowerPower. See in additional resources.


Task: Choose the bronze, silver or gold task.


To save printing today you could use the Maths CJP book page 54.


You should be spending around 40 minutes on maths plus ten minutes’ timetables practice. Tasks do not have to be completed, just as much as they can do in the time.

Topic / Music

Water: The Water Cycle


Task: Learn the water cycle song. Record and upload it to Seesaw.

Additional resources

Additional activities
