Chestnut 1
Welcome to Chestnut 1!
Miss Alington - class teacher
Mrs Allcock - teaching assistant
Mrs Bond - teaching assistant
We are really looking forward to the exciting year ahead where we will learn new things and get to know each other. We aim to ensure that all of the children have a smooth transition between Reception and Year 1. This is done through providing stimulating and engaging indoor and outdoor learning opportunities.
We follow the Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonics scheme which is taught for an hour every morning. The children are grouped according to their sound knowledge and are reviewed regularly. Your child will be allocated an Oxford Owl RWI e-book once they have finished a unit in school. The logins for this website can be found in their yellow reading record. Alongside the e-book, the children will bring home a 'book bag book' which they will read throughout the week at home. This is to help build on your child's fluency, confidence and comprehension skills. The home reading book and record needs to come into school everyday.
Maths, science, music, PE, computing, life skills and RE are taught separately. PE is taught twice a week (one outdoor session taught by Mr Baker on a Monday morning, a sports coach, and one indoor gymnastics/dance session by Miss Alington on Thursday afternoons). PE bags will be sent home every half term to be washed. Below you will find a copy of our Topic web which gives you an insight into what your child will be covering this year.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!
Miss Alington
Other useful information:
- Morning drop off and end of day pick up is in the playground at the Year 1 gate, where there is a notice board for any messages re end of day pick arrangements. The school gates open at 8.45am and the classroom door will open at 8:50am.
- Please bring in a named water bottle (kept in school all week and sent home every Friday).
- We visit Cookham Library every Tuesday, where the children can choose a book to enjoy at home.
- Homework is set every Friday. This might be a talking task, a practical activity or suggested books to read. Evidence of homework might involve a picture or video uploaded onto your child's Seesaw account.
- We use Seesaw throughout the school day to celebrate and share your child's work. Please interact with and enjoy looking at their work.
- A visual timetable is used in the classroom so that all children know what is happening that day.
- We like junk modelling in Year 1, so please bring in any recycling - we welcome it with open arms! (please no egg boxes, toilet rolls or packing of nut products).