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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Beech 5

Welcome to Beech 5!


We're looking forward to a busy Autumn term in Beech 5, with lots of exciting activities planned, our curriculum overview for the term is below:

Spring Curriculum Overview

Summer Curriculum Overview

Beech 5 staff:

Mrs Pateman - Class Teacher (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday)

Mrs Parris - Class Teacher  (Thursday & Friday)

Mrs Bown - Teaching Assistant 


Helpful information:

On Wednesday mornings children will be learning to play the clarinet with Berkshire Maestros

We will teach PE on a Tuesday and Thursday.

Children will need to ensure their PE kits are in school for the whole week.

Weekly curriculum letters are sent home so parents can have a better understanding of what has been completed in class (See Seesaw).


Our behaviour policy follows three main rules: Ready, Respectful and Safe. 

Throughout the year, children should read for at least 20 minutes every day.  Some suggested books for Year 5 children can be found below.  Children are responsible for recording their reading and homework tasks in their planner, which should be brought to school every day
