Our gorgeous new wall art - Autumn 2023
Summer 2024 - our new EYFS playground
Summer 2023 - our new track
Welcome to Cookham Rise Primary School.
Hello and welcome to our school website. You will find lots of information about us on this site however, to get a real feel for our school, please do make an appointment to come and look around and see us at work and at play.
Our vision is that all our children will ‘shine’ in our welcoming and inclusive environment. We value all members of our community and the contribution that they make to our school. We encourage the children to reach their full potential through the provision of a curriculum which is varied, engaging and exciting. Our OFSTED inspection in April 2022 said that:
Leaders’ expectations that every pupil will shine permeate every decision they make. Cookham Rise Primary School is highly valued by pupils, parents, staff and the local authority, who use the school as a beacon of excellence. As one parent wrote, summing up the views of many, ‘This is a great school, with a positive and nurturing atmosphere’. All parents who responded to the online survey, Ofsted Parent View, would recommend the school to other parents.
We are fortunate to be at the heart of a lovely, village community. The school is well supported by the families of pupils who attend and we have an active parent association – PTA. We keep the school community informed about what we are doing through a weekly newsletter (these can be found in the newsletter section of this site) and weekly class letters from the teachers (see curriculum and individual year groups for egs although from Sep 2020 they have been sent via Seesaw). Class letters are sent to parents by class teachers at the end of each week so that we establish and maintain strong links between home and school. We believe that frequent, clear and relevant communication is key to building strong relationships.
The school has seen a number of changes over the past few years with the upgrading of the school’s IT, playgrounds and school environment. Our excellent IT systems have been a huge asset throughout lockdowns and a few terms ago we opened our exciting and innovative technology studio. We ensure that our curriculum is rich and varied, enriched by trips and visitors to the school. We also work hard to ensure that we update parents and carers regularly about how their children are progressing in school through regular parent consultation meetings and reports three times a year in Years 1 - 6 and twice in Reception.
We have a lovely school building and grounds and are delighted to have added an outdoor learning space in 2018, 'The Cabin', which is used to support teaching and learning as well as provide accommodation for social and training events. Three years ago (2021-22) we developed our grounds further with a fantastic outside area for Year 1 and a new and improved KS2 play area and last year (summer 2023) we added a new astro turf track.
We are very proud of all that we have achieved over the past years at Cookham Rise and excited about all the future holds. I hope you enjoy browsing our website and finding out more about us.
Best wishes
Helen Daniels