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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Ash 2

Welcome to Ash 2

About us


Class teachers:

Mrs Strawson - (Monday- Wednesday) 

Miss Maher - (Thursday- Friday)


Class Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Brett (HLTA)

Mrs Armstrong

Welcome to Ash 2. We have a fun year ahead of us full of learning, trips, plays and much more. We hope this page is informative. Remember to look out for photos of your children in the gallery section.


Topics are taught on a two year rolling program of themes.  Year 1 and 2 collaborate together to supply an enriched learning environment where children can access new information, build upon prior knowledge and develop as learners. Literacy, maths, science, music, PE, computing, life skills and RE are taught separately.


Homework consists of daily reading as well as weekly tasks sent home. Mathletics is an ongoing source of learning and we would encourage your child to complete the activities on there regularly. More information on homework can be found in the weekly curriculum letters. 


PE is taught twice weekly so we ask that children are sent in with the correct kit (properly named) at the beginning of each term. 



Ash 2 Timetable
