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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Beech 5

Summer term homework project

Norden Farm Block Printing Workshop

Longridge - May 2018

Updated topic web for Summer term

Year 5 and 6 work together on a two year cycle of themes. 


Each year group has specific Literacy (Literacy & Language), Maths (Abacus), Music (Charanga), Science, PE, RE (Discovery), Computing and Life Skills (Jigsaw) learning objectives. Humanities (history and geography) and Art/DT work is linked to each topic.


The current school year (2017/18) falls into cycle B.


To learn more about our topics please see individual topic webs below.

DT days - building structures!

Receiving our letters from the Prime Minister!

Science - Separating Materials!

Artist in Residence Week

Science - Properties of Materials

Fire Safety!

The British Museum 16th Oct 2017
