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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Week commencing 4th May

Thursday 7th May 2020


Good morning, Year 5.


Thank you again for all your hard work this week.  Today, please could you:


  • Complete Day 12 in your Early Morning Workbook
  • Complete the maths activity on the area of compound shapes on Seesaw
  • Complete the reading comprehension “Baby birds” on pages 6&7 of the English comprehension book 2
  • Make sure you’ve read up to the end of chapter 20 in The Boy at the Back of the Class by the end of the weekend
  • Play 3 different games in the “Extra Practice Zone” at Use username: cookhamrise 5/6 and the password: Owl2020
  • Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at


This week, please complete the French project to write a sequence poem by following the tutorial at  Please post your finished work on Seesaw.


Tomorrow is VE day.  Because it is a bank holiday, we won’t be setting any formal work.  However, if you’d like to, you could watch the short film at and complete the attached VE day activities produced by Bletchley Park.


Remember to do some PE and keep active.  I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Take care


Mrs Bond


Wednesday 6th May 2020


Good morning Year 5!

Before you begin work this morning, please could you check that you have responded to any comments that I have left underneath your work?  There are a few pieces of work I'd like to share to the blog so please let me know if that's OK!  


Today, please could you:

  • Complete Day 11 in your Early Morning Workbook.
  • Complete the English and maths activities on Seesaw
    • English – the Journey – Day 12
    • Maths – area
  • Play 3 different games in the “Extra Practice Zone” at Use username: cookhamrise 5/6 and the password: Owl2020
  • Reading catch-up day – make sure you’ve read to the end of chapter 17 in The Boy at the Back of the Class
  • Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at


Today, for our life skills and mindfulness lesson, I’ve uploaded a scavenger hunt to Seesaw.  Please things that make you happy and upload photographs, sharing anything particularly special with members of your family.


For computing this week, choose one of the following:


Remember to do some exercise and keep active.

I hope you have a great day!
Mrs Bond


Tuesday 5th May 2020


Good morning Year 5!  I continue to be really impressed with the quality of your work and love reading it every afternoon – thank you!


Today, please could you:



In DT we are investigating food to take on a journey.  Over the next two weeks, I’d like you to think about why biscuits might be a good food to include and investigate different types of biscuits.


If your parents agree, choose two biscuit recipes (go to or use your own).  Make one set of biscuits this week and some different biscuits next week.  Take photographs of your baking and write a report on Seesaw about which biscuits were the best and why.


Remember to do some exercise and keep active.


I hope you have a great day!

Mrs Bond


Monday 4th May 2020


Good morning Year 5.  I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend.  


Because you are spending more time than usual on a computer, it’s important you still practise your handwriting.  Every Monday I will now add a poem to the website for you to write out in your best handwriting.  If you need extra practice and have access to a printer, you can even print out a version to write over!  Please upload a photograph of your handwriting work to Seesaw before Friday.


Today, please could you:


  • Complete Day 9 in your Early Morning Workbook
  • Complete the English and maths activities on Seesaw
    • White Rose maths – Calculating perimeter
    • The Journey – Day 10
  • Read chapters 14 & 15 in The Boy at the Back of the Class
  • Log-on to and click on “My Class Login”.  Use the username: cookhamrise 5/6 and the password: Owl2020.   Go into the “Extra Practice Zone” for spelling, select Year 5 and play three different games every day this week.
  • Handwriting exercise – The Life-Cycle of a Flower
  • Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at


Last week, we looked at different music that represents the sea.  Today, watch  Using just your body, or ordinary items around the home, can you create a piece of music of approximately 1 minute in length that represents the sea?  Make sure you keep a steady beat and try to include a repeating rhythm.  If you have access to GarageBand, Audacity or similar software, you could try and record your music and upload it to Seesaw. 


Remember to do some exercise and keep active.


I hope you have a great day!

Mrs Bond
