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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Home Learning Week Beginning 30th March

Week beginning Monday 30th March 2020

Monday 30th March 2020

Good morning children and welcome to your second week of learning from home. The whole Year 2 team are hoping that you are well and sending you all our best wishes. We look forward to seeing more of your work sent to us on Seesaw soon.

The above link is for the White Rose Maths Home Learning page. They will be adding five lessons each week for the next few weeks. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete their set activity successfully. It asks you to pause the video at certain places and answer questions before moving on to the next part of the video. This is not compulsory and may not follow exactly what our focus for the week is, it is purely a suggestion if you are looking for extra ideas in Maths.


Monday 30th March 2020

Subject focus


Reading task

CGP Reading Comprehension Book 1:

No teacher p8

The Enchanted Wood p9

Maths task

Look at the PowerPoint below with your child on complex partitioning. If you are finding the CGP work a bit easy, then you could base some questions around this instead.


CGP Maths book:

Number and Place Value p4-6


The link below uses an abacus to make numbers up to 4 digits. You add beads to the abacus and then say what number you have made. Perhaps you could challenge your children and they could challenge you?


White Rose Maths Problem of the Day below.

Spelling rule

Unit 6– Adding the suffix –ness to a root word to make a noun.

Examples include:

Sadness, lateness, kindness, foolishness, goodness, quietness, softness, illness, madness, fitness, bitterness, darkness, coldness, hardness.


Choose three more words to test your child on at the end of the week from words that you know they struggle with.

RWI homework book

Unit 2 Homework 3 – Suffixes –er and -est

Home learning task

Choose one item from the grid sent home to do with your child and/or complete a task and apply for Blue Peter Badge.  

Blue badges are awarded for sending in interesting letters, stories, makes, pictures, poems, good ideas for the programme, and for having appeared on Blue Peter. Poems and stories could be quite topical – about staying inside and learning from home. A fictional story could take you on an adventure whereas a poem could describe your feelings.



Tuesday 31st March 2020

Subject focus


Writing task

Write a setting description for a cottage in a wood. It could be a run-down, forgotten cottage or a beautiful, warm place. You decide. Do not just write about the cottage itself, remember to include the surroundings.


Did I?

  • say what can be seen?
  • say what can be heard?
  • include details about the weather?
  • include details about the time of day?
  • use adjectives (describing words) to describe each noun?


Words that you could use in your writing: spooky, dark, quiet, peaceful, haunting, damp, freezing, gloomy, creepy, lonely, wild, cold, terrifying, hidden, menacing, sinister, bright, colourful, cheerful, charming, innocent, quaint etc.

Maths task

Watch the PowerPoint on Number bonds to 20 before completing the activity below.

CGP Maths book:

Addition and Subtraction – p16. p17 and p18

Abacus online:

Tumble Down Den


As we are starting a new month tomorrow, learn the 30 days song about how many days there are each month:

30 days has September, April, June and November,

All the rest have 31,

Except for February alone,

Which has 28 days clear and 29 each leap year.


White Rose Maths Problem of the Day below.

Spelling rule

Unit 6 – Adding the suffix -ness

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule.  

RWI homework book

Unit 3 Homework 1 – sentences with different forms p10

Home learning task

Today the class were meant to be going on a teddy bear’s picnic on the Alfred Major. The children were going to be preparing their own food as part of our DT project. Two weeks ago we did a taste testing to see which foods were the class’s favourite. If possible, it would be nice if you were still able to complete this activity. Children will need to prepare as much of the picnic as possible. Remember to take your teddy out with you. If you want to move this activity to another day, why not make invites to your teddy bears and families?



Wednesday 1st April 2020

Subject focus


April Fools

Can you think of a good April Fool to play on someone in your family? Remember that these are meant to be light-hearted and not cause upset!

Reading task

CGP Reading Comprehension Book 1:

Amy Johnson p10

Tim’s Diary p11


Now write an entry for your own diary about a day you have had at home recently during our home learning.

Maths task

CGP Maths book:


Subtracting p 21 - 23


Abacus online:

Marching Madness


White Rose Maths Problem of the Day below.

Spelling rule

Unit 6 – Adding the suffix -ness

Spend 5 minutes on the spellings given to you by your parent for the week.

RWI homework book

Unit 3 – Homework 2 – Missing! P12

Home learning task

Make a spring picture/model. There are lots of ideas online. Some of my favourites have been minibeast pebbles and kitchen roll trees. See how creative you can be. Please upload your work onto Seesaw.



Thursday 2nd April 2020

Subject focus


Writing Task

Letter to a loved one

Write a letter to someone who you haven’t seen for a while.  It could be a family member or a friend.

  • Use the correct letter layout; your address in the top right hand corner, leave a line and then add the date.
  • Include lots of detail about how you are feeling and what you have been up to whilst the school has been shut.
  • Ask lots of questions too – remember to use question marks.
  • If you want to practise your typing skills, type the letter and print it out.  Otherwise, practise your best handwriting.

Add a nice picture and send it if you get the chance.

Maths task

CGP Maths book: Money pages 44 & 45

Spelling rule

Unit 6 – Adding the suffix -ness

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule.


RWI homework book

Unit 3 – Homework 3 – Adjectives and nouns p13

Home learning task

Choose one item from the grid sent home to do with your child.





Friday 3rd April 2020

Subject focus


Reading task

CGP Reading Comprehension Book 1:

Plum on p12

Making a bird feeder on p13

Maths task

Practical Activity – shop

Set up a shop using items from around your house – see below/Seesaw for some ideas.

Choose prices suitable to your child’s level: -

Bronze – multiples of 10p up to £1

Silver – multiples of 5p up to £2

Gold -  any prices

  • Choose the correct coins to pay for an item.
  • Try to choose different ways of paying for the same item – using the most/least coins.
  • Try buying more than one item and deciding how much money is needed in total
  • Be the shopkeeper and work out change.
  • Have a budget e.g. £5 – what can you buy for this amount of money?
  • What 2 items can you buy for £1? Number bonds to 100.
  • Reply to Miss Maher’s message on Seesaw with photos of your shops!

Spelling rule

Unit 6 – adding the suffix -ness

Test spelling knowledge. This can be done reading out the words or dictating a sentence containing the word in for the child to write. If they are writing a sentence, remind your child to be accurate with punctuation and use their best handwriting. 

RWI homework book

Unit 4 – Homework 1 – Conjunctions 1 on  p14


Think about the story of Easter.  Retell what you can remember to an adult, trying to order events correctly and add lots of detail.  Watch the video below and talk about why Easter is an important time for Christians.


