The following indicates the planned timetable for a typical week in Beech 5 over the academic year 2015-16 - this version is effective from the Spring, 2016. It should be noted that, while every effort will be made to keep to this schedule, sessions are subject to change for a variety of reasons.
Reminder: we change our library books on a Tuesday afternoon.
Ideally, PE kits should be brought in on a Monday and taken home each Friday for washing.
Mr Rhodes will teach the children every Monday and Tuesday. Otherwise, Miss Maher will be teaching. Mrs Peters will be supporting the class every morning. A rota of support staff assist with targeted interventions across the week.
In Beech 5 we are keen to encourage ongoing, great behaviour. Therefore, we have a behaviour management system which recognises when children have made an effort to make positive changes. As children arrive in the classroom they have to self-register by moving their names from "home" to "school". As adults witness great learning behaviours, they then move the children's names into the green area of the traffic lights. Poor learning behaviours will result in children moving, at first, into amber and, then, into red. This is equivalent to the wider-school's behaviour policy of the child's name being recorded on the board and then an x by the name if poor behaviour persists. When children positively engage, they can be moved out of red, into amber and then green. If a child remains in red by the end of the session, there is a consequence: spending time with the Deputy Head to complete a think sheet (morning break) or in the Reflection Room (lunchtime). Persistent poor behaviour can warrant a detention.