16th July 2019
A huge ‘Thank you’ to all our parent volunteers who have given up their time to help run FREE sport clubs for children this year. We have a record number of children attending across the school. We are always looking for new helpers, so if you are able to spare time to help, please get in contact with Mrs Bennett or Miss Wrightson via the school office.
We aim to provide a range of extra curricular sports clubs, both before and after school, for children to participate in. Some are free and run by parent volunteers and/or school staff. Others are run by outside providers and are chargeable. Sport premium funding is used to fund places for children who would not otherwise be able to attend.
Year 5/6 netball (3.15 - 4.15pm) Free
Badminton Y3/4 (3.15 - 4.15) Free SPRING TERM ONLY
iPro Soccer Academy (3.30 - 4.30pm)
Kick boxing (5 - 6.30pm)
Hockey (8 - 8.45am) Free
Street Dance (3.15 - 4.30pm)
Running club (8 - 8.45am) Free
Kick boxing (8- 8.45am)
Netball Y3/4 (3.15 - 4.15pm) Free. SUMMER TERM ONLY