Week commencing 22nd June
Friday 26th June
Good morning, Year 5!
On Monday, please bring your letter for Elizabeth House residents and, if you haven’t already returned it, your copy of The Boy at the Back of the Class. Please would you also bring a pencil case, with colouring pens and/or pencils and a water bottle?
Today, please could you:
- Complete Day 19 in your Early Morning Workbook
- Complete the weekly maths challenge on Seesaw
- For English today, listen to chapter 20 of A Boy and a Bear in a Boat at https://www.cookhamriseprimary.org/a-boy-and-a-bear-in-a-boat/ and in your CPG Reading Comprehension Book 2, complete Facts about Hurricanes on pages 12 and 13
- At https://spellingframe.co.uk complete 10 minutes of the free activities for Spelling Rule 55
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
Work through the French lesson on days, months and time on BBC bitesize at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7vk3j6
I hope you have a lovely weekend and I’m really looking forward to seeing most of you on Monday! If you aren’t in school next week, please look on the school website on Monday for some ideas of things to do – we’ll miss you!
Mrs Bond
Thursday 25th June
Good morning, Year 5!
- Complete Day 18 in your Early Morning Workbook
- Maths – pages 54 and 55 in your CPG book, solving problems involving measurement and time
- English – Finish your news report and upload it to Seesaw. Then listen to Chapter 18 - Floating down and Chapter 19- Kark! of A Boy and a Bear in a Boat at https://www.cookhamriseprimary.org/a-boy-and-a-bear-in-a-boat/
- At https://spellingframe.co.uk complete 10 minutes of the free activities for Spelling Rule 54
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
Next week, back in school, we will be learning some sea shanties, traditional songs sung by sailors and fishermen. For music this week, watch the clips at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zwh7tfr and https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z2f6sbk about the history of sea shanties.
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Bond
Wednesday 24th June
Happy National Writing Day! Today, I’d like you have a go at the National Writing Day challenge at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zscwr2p. Please send me your 24-word stories and ask your parents to share them on Twitter @CookhamRise and @writeday #247challenge
Then, please could you:
- Complete Day 17 in your Early Morning Workbook
- Complete the maths and English activities on Seesaw
- Maths – Timetables 2
- English – if you have time after completing the National Writing Day challenge, please continue working on your news report
- At https://spellingframe.co.uk complete 10 minutes of the free activities for Spelling Rule 53
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
Your art this week has been set by Mrs O’Mahony and builds on the seascapes you created last week. Please follow her instructions on Seesaw and complete this before the weekend.
Remember to make and monitor your mini-water cycle!
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Bond
Tuesday 23rd June
Good morning, Year 5!
I read lots of your sandwich stories yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed them – they made me laugh! If you haven’t yet uploaded your story, please try and finish it this week.
Today, please could you:
- Complete Day 16 in your Early Morning Workbook
- Complete the maths and English activities on Seesaw
- Maths – Timetables 1
- English – Writing a news report. This activity has been planned to take more than one lesson and should be uploaded to Seesaw on Thursday. Today, aim to listen to the chapter and work through the activities about how to write a news report.
- At https://spellingframe.co.uk complete 10 minutes of the free activities for Spelling Rule 52
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
Please complete the topic lesson on Seesaw about coastal erosion and remember to make and monitor your mini-water cycle! If you'd like some ideas for your news report, you can try out some different virtual websites at https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2020/apr/13/10-best-virtual-ocean-sea-adventures-diving-great-barrier-reef
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Bond
Monday 22nd June
Good morning, Year 5!
I hope you've had a good weekend and enjoy the weather this week.
Today, please could you:
- Complete Day 15 in your Early Morning Workbook
- Complete the maths activity on Seesaw about units of time
- For your English today, please listen to Chapter 15 – Fishing and Chapter 16 – Trading Up at https://www.cookhamriseprimary.org/a-boy-and-a-bear-in-a-boat/ These are quite long chapters and so there is no Boy and a Bear written work today.
- Follow the guidance on Seesaw to write a letter to an elderly person. Your final version should be in your best handwriting and is your handwriting activity for this week.
- At https://spellingframe.co.uk complete 10 minutes of the free activities for Spelling Rule 51
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
This week, for your topic and science work, I’d like you to create your own mini-water cycle by following the attached instructions. Look for changes in your water-cycle both this week and next week when you are back at school. The week after next (when you are out of school again) I’d like you to create short film or information text explaining the water cycle, using photographs from your experiment.
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Bond