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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Friday 27th March

Friday 27th March 2020

Good morning Year 2.  Well done for completing your first week of learning at home.  We hope you have enjoyed the activities set and thank you for sharing some of your work via Seesaw - we love to see what you have been doing at home.  Enjoy the weekend and visit our class page again on Monday for some new tasks.


Friday 27th March 2020

Subject focus


Reading task

CGP Reading Comprehension Book 1:

Get Well Soon on p6

A Trip to the Shop on p7

Maths task

CGP Maths book:

Measurement – Units on p41

Online resource:


Questions to help understanding:

  • Would it be better to use multilink cubes or peas to balance the weight of a shoe? Why?
  • What could be used to find out how much water this container holds?
  • Sally and Josh measured Cookham Rise’s hall using their feet but they couldn't agree how many feet long the hall was. Why do you think that happened? What else could they use to measure the hall? Will that be better? Why?
  • Would you measure the length of a book in centimetres or metres? Why?
  • What units would you use to measure the width of the living room?
  • How about the weight of your parent?
  • Look at a mug. Which of these amounts would you choose to say how much water the mug holds? 1 metre, 1 litre, 1 centimetre, ¼ kilogram, ¼ litre

Spelling rule

Unit 5 – The ee sound spelt ey

Test spelling knowledge. This can be done reading out the words or dictating a sentence containing the word in for the child to write. If they are writing a sentence, remind your child to be accurate with punctuation and use their best handwriting.  

RWI homework book

Unit 2 Homework 2 – Commas in a list p8

Home learning task

Choose one item from the grid sent home to do with your child.

