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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Home Learning Week Beginning 22nd June

Week beginning Monday 22nd June 2020


Monday 22nd June 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

On Friday, you wrote an introduction for The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. Today you are going to write what happened on Monday. This is the first day that Mrs Grinling makes the lunch, as usual, and sends it down the wire where it is stolen by the seagulls. Do not move on to Tuesday as this will be written about tomorrow.


Listen to this part of the story again or look at the pages below.


Remember to:

  • Write in full sentences.
  • Include powerful adjectives to describe (think about your work on characters from last week).
  • Describe the events in detail.
  • Remember to use punctuation.


Reading comprehension: Please complete a comprehension text from your CGP books that you have not already done. This will be your reading comprehension task for the week.


Maths task

Warm Up:

Spend some time on Timestables Rockstars.


Main Task:

Start by asking your child to write down two 2-digit numbers where the ones digit is more than 5 and the tens digit is less than 5. For example – 38 and 26.

Now make an addition sum with the numbers:

38 + 26 =

Here they can partition to add or use a number line:

38 + 20 = 58

58 + 6 = 64


Main task – complete p 38 in your maths workbooks


To support – use a hundred square or adapt the numbers so that you are adding multiples of 10 to

To extend – Complete p 38 then p39 in your workbooks.


Additional game:

Balance the scales so that both sides add up to the same amount.


Spelling rule

The class have now completed all of the spelling rules for Year 2. For the next few weeks we will be revising them and making sure that children remember them.


This week’s rules:

The or sound spelt a before l or ll

Soft c

Adding the suffix –y

Adding the suffix –ly

The n sound spelt kn and gn.


Look at the spelling sheet below.


Go to


Please assess which of these spelling rules your child knows well and which they need to revise more over the next few days.


Down on the farm:


For the next three days you will be working on a DT project to make a bird deterrent for a garden to protect some vegetables growing there.


Today will be the designing process, Tuesday will be making and Wednesday will be spent evaluating and writing instructions on how you made your product.


Look at the two presentations below. One talks about the project and the other has examples of designs.


Use the booklet below over the next few days to fill in the information needed.



Try a cosmic kids yoga session. You can choose the theme and length by clicking the link below.



Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Hopefully you wrote what happened on Monday to Mr Grinling as today you are going to write what happened on Tuesday. This is the day where Mrs Grinling ties a napkin to the basket to stop the seagulls getting to the lunch. Read through what you wrote yesterday so you know where to start your story from. Do not move on to Wednesday as this will be written about tomorrow.


You can listen to this part of the story again or look at the pages below.


Remember to:

  • Write in full sentences.
  • Include powerful adjectives to describe (think about your work on characters from last week).
  • Describe the events in detail.
  • Remember to use punctuation.


Reading comprehension: Please complete a comprehension text from your CGP books that you have not already done. This will be your reading comprehension task for the week.


Maths task

Warm Up:

Hit the button game for times tables.


Main task:

Today’s lesson focuses on counting on to work out a subtraction (working out the difference). When numbers are close together, you can count from the lower number to the higher number instead of taking away.


For example:

67 – 58 = is much easier to do if you work out the difference rather than take away 58.

You would say that to get from 67 to 70 you add 3 then 8 more to 58 so the difference is 11.


Main task – p40 in your workbooks


To extend – p41 in your workbooks

To support – work on counting up to the next multiple of 10 from different 2 digit numbers. Remind children to use their number bonds to 10 knowledge.


Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on today’s spellings.



Down on the farm:


Today you will be making your bird deterrent. Remember to look at your plan from yesterday.


Please upload a photo to Seesaw.


Fitness challenges:


  • Run up and down the stairs (if you have them) 10 times.
  • Holding weights out at arm’s length (tinned food works) bring your arms forward to meet in the middle then out to the sides again. Try to keep your arms straight. Repeat 10 times.
  • Place a chair behind you. Bend to the nearly sitting (just above the chair) to complete a squat. Repeat 10 times.
  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Raise your bottom off the ground and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  • If you have a skipping rope or hoop, see how many times you can skip for 1 minute.



Wednesday 24th June 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Today you are writing what happens in the story on Wednesday. This is the day where Hamish is sent down the wire to guard the lunch. Read through what you have written so far so you know where to start. Do not move on to Thursday as this will be written about tomorrow.


You can listen to this part of the story again or look at the pages below.


Remember to:

  • Write in full sentences.
  • Include powerful adjectives to describe (think about your work on characters from last week).
  • Describe the events in detail.
  • Remember to use punctuation.


Reading comprehension: Please complete a comprehension text from your CGP books that you have not already done. This will be your reading comprehension task for the week.


Maths task

Warm Up

Practise counting up and down in 4s. Perhaps write them down in a piece of paper to read them out. Repeat a few times until you can remember some (or all) of the pattern.


Main task

Today’s lesson looks at multiplication.

Practise counting in steps of 2, 5, 3, 4 and 10. Do you notice any patterns?


Main task – mastery checkpoint


To extend – complete the word problems for counting in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s.

To support – Work on multiplication facts of 2, 5 and 10.


Online abacus game – Pesky Pests

Remember that your username and password are the same as Purple Mash.

Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule.


Down on the farm:


Today you are going to evaluate your bird deterrent. Complete this part of the booklet provided.


Is there somewhere in your garden that you could hang the deterrent?  






Thursday 25th June 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task

Today – you might have guessed it – you are going to write the next part of the story where Mrs Grinling has the cunning plan to add mustard to the sandwiches.   You might want to add speech bubbles to any pictures of seagulls to show what they are saying to each other.  See example below for some ideas.


Remember to:

  • Write in full sentences.
  • Include powerful adjectives to describe (think about your work on characters from last week).
  • Describe the events in detail.
  • Remember to use punctuation.


Reading comprehension: Please complete a comprehension text from your CGP books that you have not already done. This will be your reading comprehension task for the week.


Maths task


Practise counting in 5s.  You can do this by playing this online connect the dots game


Main Activity

7 × 5 =  can be read as 7 lots of 5 equals, and we can solve this by counting in 5s seven times using our fingers.  Do this now and work out the answer.  This answer is written in the box.


We can use a similar method for questions such as this:

 × 5 = 15How many lots of 5 is 15? This time we count in 5s until we reach 15, but our answer in the box is the number of fingers we raised.  Try this now.


 × 3 = 18How many threes is eighteen?  We must count in 3s until we reach 18, and the number of fingers raised goes in our box.  This number sentence can also be written like this:

18 ÷ 3 = ☐.  ‘18 divided by 3’, or ‘how many 3s make 18?’ work out the answer, and it will go in both boxes.


You can remember that with division we can ask ourselves how many of the smaller number make the bigger number?


Now try

Page 42 of your workbooks


To support – focus only on the times tables that your child knows.  Use the bead string in the picture to help, counting along in jumps of the smaller number. 


To extend – complete page 43 of your workbook.  This includes division as well as multiplication.  Try also the Top Trumps Monster division game.


For fun – There are lots of different themed mosaic puzzles for multiplication and division on the Twinkl website.  I have attached some in the documents section.


Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. 


Water Wise

Have a look through the PowerPoint below to find out more about water.  Complete the activity to find out how much water you save when you turn the tap off.




Friday 26th June 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

We hope you have enjoyed making your books.  Today is some time to finish off the story, telling the reader how the plan worked because the seagulls went elsewhere.  Mr and Mrs Grinling were able to continue living peacefully without being bothered by them again.  Make sure that all your illustrations are completed, and you might also like to add a front cover picture and/or a blurb at the back (a short description of what the story is about to encourage people to read it.)


Reading comprehension: Please complete a comprehension text from your CGP books that you have not already done. This will be your reading comprehension task for the week.


Maths task


Play the following online game: There are several options to choose from, choose any level from the year 2 options.


Main Activity

Today we are going to be thinking about maths problems written in words not numbers.  Have a look at picture 1 below (I have also had a go at uploading these pictures as an activity on Seesaw if your child would like to have a go at writing their replies directly onto the page.  Although they haven’t yet been shown how to do this it should be fairly self-explanatory!)  Read each problem carefully, write the corresponding number sentence and work out the answer, using the same method as yesterday (how many times will the smaller number fit into the larger number).


Now try - The word problems in picture 5

To Support – Use real coins to help to visualise and solve the problem

To Extend - mastery checkpoint (picture 4)

Spelling rule

Test spelling knowledge. This can be done reading out the words or dictating a sentence containing the word in for the child to write. If they are writing a sentence, remind your child to be accurate with punctuation and use their best handwriting. 


Log onto your Charanga account at and select step 4.  Pick and choose from the activities down the right hand side.  Again, the songs we have learnt this year are towards the bottom if you would like to listen to and sing along with them.


Rewatch the following cartoon of Omar’s trip to Mecca


Imagine you are Omar and you have been on the trip.  Write a postcard home to mum to describe what it was like and how you felt.

