Information sessions for parents
Autumn term 2023
Friday 13th October 2023 at 9.00am
Our next session for parents is a workshop to discuss behaviour - more details can be found in the newsletter.
Special Parent Talk
Help to Keep your Child Safe Online
Our children live in the Internet Age. They love to use technology and play the latest games. However, it is not always easy for parents and carers to understand what they are doing and how we can help to do the right things to keep them out of danger.
It is important that parents are also involved so they are able to help their children when they are at home. We would like to invite you to a special talk.
The talk is being given by Paul Hay, who is a specialist in Internet Safety. He will tell you :
· How young people use the Internet.
· Show how children use programs such as Moshi Monsters, Minecraft, Roblox, Instagram and SnapChat
· Describe how information young people post can be misused by people who are not their friends.
Explain what you, as parents, can do to help keep them safe.
Above all it will give you as parents and carers the confidence to help your child get the most benefit and enjoyment from the internet while keeping safe.
Topics will be discussed in language we as parents understand. No technical or computer knowledge is required or expected.
There is no charge for the event.
You are welcome to bring a friend or adult family member with you.
Please do come along if you can.