Week commencing 6th July
Friday 10th July
Good morning Beech 5!
I’m really looking forward to seeing you again next week and well done for reaching the end of our final full week of home learning! On Monday, please remember to bring in your water guns ready to squirt the Year 6’s in their obstacle race. We’ll be doing pottery, art and sports activities next week, so please come to school in trainers and clothes that can get mucky.
Today, please could you:
- Complete Day 24 of your Early Morning Workbook
- Complete the maths weekly challenge on Seesaw
- Write, edit and upload your new ending to “A Boy and a Bear in a Boat”
- Spend at least 10 minutes working on spelling rule 60 at https://spellingframe.co.uk/
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
Then look through the list below and see if there’s anything you could finish off either today or in your time out of school next week! If you’ve completed everything, choose another task from the Tate Gallery, or put your feet up for a well-deserved break and relax with a good book.
- Complete your water cycle explanation
- Share what you have learnt about coastal landforms
- Make a culinary creation for the “Great Beech 5 Bake-Off”
- Create your own Andy Warhol inspired selfie art-work
- Choreograph your own table-top, turntable dance
- Send a video of your raft sailing on the water
- Make “un sandwich surprise multicolore.”
If you haven’t already, please bring your copy of “The Boy at the Back of the Class” back into school on Monday and, if you have a school copy, “A Boy and a Bear in a Boat.” A couple of people asked last week if we would like their copies of this book donated to school and, if you don’t want to keep it and would like to pass it on, that would be much appreciated! However, if you really enjoyed the book and might want to read it again, then please pop it on your book-shelf at home.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Bond
Thursday 9th July 2020
Good morning, Year 5!
Thank you for the entries to our "Great Beech 5 Bake-off", the music videos and films about your rafts! I'm really enjoying seeing them. Remember, anything you don't finish this week you can complete as a home learning project once we're back in school next week.
Today, please could you:
- Complete Day 23 of your Early Morning Workbook
- Complete maths activity on Seesaw - reasoning with 3d shapes. The Minecraft nets can be found on the bottom of the class webpage at https://www.cookhamriseprimary.org/beech-5-6/
- If you haven’t already, finish listening to “A Boy and a Bear in a Boat” at https://www.cookhamriseprimary.org/a-boy-and-a-bear-in-a-boat/
- Today and tomorrow, I’d like you to write an alternative ending to the story, that should be at least five paragraphs long. How do you think the book should have finished? Today, spend time planning your ending. Think about how the author has used humour, dialogue (speech), metaphors and similes and descriptions of emotion. Try to include these elements in your own ending to the story. If you've already started your story, please read back through it and make sure you've included enough detail.
- Spend at least 10 minutes working on spelling rule 59 at https://spellingframe.co.uk/
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
Our sandwich-related activities continue in your French lesson this week. Please follow the tutorial at https://youtu.be/D1P-auQllKc and share your sandwiches on Seesaw!
Have a lovely day
Mrs Bond
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Good morning, Year 5!
Today, please could you:
- Complete Day 22 of your Early Morning Workbook
- Complete the maths activity on Seesaw about regular and irregular polygons
- Complete the reading comprehension “Poems about Words” on pages 14 and 15 of your CPG Reading Comprehension Book 2
- Your writing task this week is to create new ending to the story of “A Boy and A Bear in a Boat.” Today and tomorrow, listen to the last five chapters of the book (this will take about half an hour) at https://www.cookhamriseprimary.org/a-boy-and-a-bear-in-a-boat/
- Spend at least 10 minutes working on spelling rule 58 at https://spellingframe.co.uk/
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
We didn’t learn our sea shanties in school last week, as singing in groups is still not recommended. So for something completely different, please follow the lesson on turntable-inspired choreography at https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/ten-pieces/ten-pieces-at-home/zjy3382. Upload a recording of your table-top dances to Seesaw!
Have a lovely day
Mrs Bond
Tuesday 7th July 2020
Good morning Year 5!
Today, please could you:
- Complete Day 21 of your Early Morning Workbook
- Complete the English and maths activities on Seesaw
o Maths – calculating angles around a point
o English – continue the activity to write instructions on how to build a raft
- Spend at least 10 minutes working on spelling rule 57 at https://spellingframe.co.uk/
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
- Complete the topic lesson on Seesaw about coastal landforms
Your art project this week is to follow the lesson on Exciting Paintings at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmkcsk7 and complete Activity 1 to make your own selfie art, based on the art-work of Andy Warhol. Instructions for how to complete this can be found here https://www.tate.org.uk/kids/make/paint-draw/make-pop-art-warhol or alternatively, you could you the paint, photo-editing and mark-up features on a phone or tablet to create your work digitally.
Please don't worry if you can't fit everything in today - there'll be more time on Friday or alternatively, you can save up some creative activities to complete on your half-days next week!
Have a lovely day
Mrs Bond
Monday 6th July 2020
It was lovely to see many of you last week in class and on Zoom. This is your last full week of home-learning, before we finish the year back in school and are all (hopefully) back together in September! I’ve included lots of creative activities to help keep your motivation levels up and hope you enjoy finishing “A Boy and a Bear in a Boat.”
If you kept going with your Early Morning Workbook last week, just go to the next fresh day – there should be enough pages to take you through to the end of term! To complete the English activity for Monday and Tuesday, you will need to go on a walk to collect some twigs and leaves. You must not test your raft on open water unless you are supervised by an adult!
Today, please could you:
- Complete Day 20 of your Early Morning Workbook
- Complete the English and maths activities on Seesaw
- Maths – calculating angles on a straight line
- English - Listen to Chapter 21 “Oops” of and Chapter 22 “Dry Land” from “A Boy and a Bear in a Boat” at https://www.cookhamriseprimary.org/a-boy-and-a-bear-in-a-boat/ and begin the activity about raft building on Seesaw
- Spend at least 10 minutes working on spelling rule 56 at https://spellingframe.co.uk/
- Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds
Over the course of this week, for science, please can you produce your explanation text, poster or video about the Water Cycle? And as discussed in class, it would be lovely if as many of you as possible will take part in “The Great Beech 5 Bake-Off”. Be as creative as you can and upload pictures of your cakes, biscuits or any other culinary creation to Seesaw. At the end of the week, I’ll share a selection of your photos. Why not add in reviews from members of your family to share how fabulous your food tastes?
I’m really looking forward to seeing your work this week – have fun!
Mrs Bond