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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Home Learning Week Beginning 18th May

Week beginning Monday 18th May 2020

Monday 18th May 2020


Monday 18th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Many people love reading for pleasure and often look for recommendations of books others have read.

Today you are going to be writing a book review on The Day the Crayons Quit.


Start by listening to the story again either by reading your own copy or watching the video below.


Think about your favourite part, what you liked about the story, what you didn’t like and why you would recommend it. Remember that all of your answers should be detailed and explain your responses clearly.


Please find the book review attached below.


Reading comprehension– bug club

Your child has been allocated another book on Bug Club. This can be found in the same place as Abacus online games. Your child needs to read each page. If there is a picture of a bug on the page they have just read, they need to click it to answer questions.

Maths task

Warm Up:

Spend some time on Timestables Rockstars.


Main Task:

Today you are working on doubling numbers and finding their related halves. 





Spelling rule

Adding the suffix – ful.

Did you know that we can make an adjective by adding the suffix –ful to lots of root words? Thank + ful = thankful. It means that someone is full of thanks. Look what happens to the word full when it becomes a suffix: full becomes ful when it is a suffix. We can add the suffix to a root word to make an adjective: cheerful.

Other examples include: wonderful, peaceful, joyful, careful, helpful, handful, harmful, fearful, playful, spiteful, successful, stressful, delightful, hateful.

When a word ends in y then you swap the y for an I before adding the suffix ful:

Beautiful, plentiful, pitiful, fanciful, dutiful.


Here is a link to a very good website that helps with the various rules taught in Year 2. Followed by the link for today’s rule.


The link for today’s rule includes adding other suffixes as well as –ful­ but is still good practise.




Down on the farm:


Traditional Country dancing


Most country dances are made up of a sequence of steps that are repeated. People move to upbeat and bouncy music. It was used at social events. Today you are going to watch a video of a country dance performed by some school children. Look at the steps that they do and how the same movements are repeated. Can you copy them?


Now think of your own steps/movements for a traditional country dance. If you need a partner for the dance, why not ask a parent or sibling to join in with you. Attached below is some music for you to move to.


We would love see your dances so please remember to upload them onto Seesaw.



Tuesday 19th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Today you are going to be detectives. We are going to be searching for persuasive language.


Look at the PowerPoint below on Writing to Persuade. It has examples of a letter written to Father Christmas and a leaflet about a fair. These are examples of how persuasive language can be used to entice or persuade someone to do something.


Where else can you find persuasive language being used? Can you find it in books? On the television? In adverts? On posters?


Think about the language that is used. Does it make/persuade you to buy something or do something that you weren’t considering before?


Now write a few sentences trying to persuade someone to tidy your room for you. How persuasive can you be?


Maths task

Warm Up:


Main task:


Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule.


Down on the farm:


How many animals can you name that are reared on a farm? Can you write some of them down? What noises do they make?


Can you spot the 7 differences in the pictures below?



Today we would like you to sketch some farm animals. There are a number of ways you could do this:

  1. There are lots of very good online tutorials that you can watch.
  2. you can look at the document attached below and copy the step by step guide.
  3. You can find pictures of farm animals on the internet and copy them.


Here are some YouTube tutorials which you could use. They may need pausing as you are drawing:


The bottom site was tried and tested by one of Mrs Strawson’s daughters.




Again, we look forward to seeing your lovely sketches on Seesaw. Remember to upload them.



Wednesday 20th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Thinking about all of your work on persuasive language, you are going to write a letter from Duncan trying to persuade his favourite colour to come back to the crayon box. You should think about the following questions:


  • Why is the crayon upset?
  • What would Duncan say to make the crayon come back?
  • How would he solve the problem?
  • Would he say sorry?


Remember to use some of that persuasive language that you found in books yesterday and the word bank below.


After you have finished you can watch the video on Seesaw of Mrs Strawson reading the next book, The Day the Crayons Came Home. Hope you enjoy!


Reading comprehension -

Maths task



Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule.


Down on the farm:


Look at these farmyard riddles. Can you work out what they are? 


On the farm, I am quite big,

I love grass,

My body can be black and white,

I give tasty milk.

What am I?


I am a strong animal,

I live on a farm,

I have four legs,

I sometimes eat grass,

You can ride on me,

What am I?


I am home to an animal on a farm,

Some would not like the way I smell,

I am surrounded by mud which my animal loves,

My home is often described as a mess.

What home am I?


Can you come up with your own riddle about a farmyard animal or something you may find on the farm? The best riddles start with the hardest clues so that the reader does not guess straight away.


If you have enjoyed this task, why not come up with more riddles? They could be about anything.

For example:

  1. 1. I have four legs, but I don't have feet.
    I come in handy when it's time to eat.
  3. 2. My job is to put an end to sleep,
    Which I do with music, a buzz, or a beep.
  5.  3. For fast heating or cooking, I am tops.
    And, oh, that good smell when my popcorn pops!







Thursday 21st May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task

Today we are going to combine our persuasive writing skills with our science work from the other week on looking after pets.  Watch ‘I wanna Iguana’ via this link


We would like you to choose an exotic/imaginary pet that you would love to have.  You can choose any animal you like, the less ordinary the better; let your imaginations go wild!  Once you have chosen your pet, make a list of all the ways you could persuade your parents to get you the pet e.g.


I will clean out it’s cage/stable

I will take it for walks

All my friends will be jealous of me etc.

Your ideas can be in note form at this stage.


If your parents want to get involved, have a debate.  You say your persuasive ideas to your them, and they can give reasons why they don’t want to get the animal.


Reading comprehension – we are moving onto CPG book 2 

Thank you Letter page 1

A postcard from Italy page 2

Maths task


2 times table practice – watch and sing along with Percy Parker


Print off the monster fraction strips from the documents below.  Cut out the strip of 12.  Fold it in half. Now fold it into quarters.  Next try to fold it into thirds.  This is much harder isn’t it? How many parts will there be if we are folding into thirds? How will you know each part will be equal?

Complete these sentences using your monster strips

½ of 12 is ?

¼ of 12 is ?

1/3 of 12 is ?

Repeat this process with the strip of 24 monsters.


If we had twenty-four children in a class, how many would be in half of the class? How many would be in a third of the class? How many would be in the quarter of the class? Which is more, a third or a quarter?


Now complete

Workbook page 23


For support – use counters/buttons or anything you have to hand to reinforce finding halves and quarters in a concrete way. You could also cut fruit/cake/pizza etc as another concrete example

To extend

Complete the extension worksheet below.  It is important that you explain your reasoning in either words, number sentences, pictures, or a mixture of these.

Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. 



Watch the PowerPoint below to see why exercise is so important to keeping us fit and healthy. 


Complete the ‘Exploring Exercise’ sheet, you can think of your own exercises, or you can choose some from the ‘Physical Activity Challenge Cards’.  Think carefully about how your body feels during each exercise.  For an additional challenge, complete the ‘exploring exercise questions’ sheet.


It would be lovely to see some pictures/videos on Seesaw of you doing any type of physical activity!




Friday 22nd May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Recap on your ideas from yesterday about the pet you would like to have.  Today you are going to put all of your ideas into a letter to your parents to persuade them to get you the pet.  Expand your ideas by adding lots of persuasive words and phrases that you have collected over the week.  Try to avoid putting all of your ideas into one sentence – take one idea at a time.  If you had a debate with a parent yesterday, try to remember their reasons against it, and turn them around e.g.


You might say that a lion is far too dangerous to keep as a pet, but actually we would be much safer.  Do you really think burglars would attempt to break in when there’s a lion in the garden?!


You can finish your letter with a picture of you with your ideal pet!


Reading Comprehension – CPG book 2

Laura’s Tree House page 3

The Science Museum page 4

Maths task


Practise your number bonds by playing this game select either 10 or 20 as your total number.


Main Activity

Today’s lesson is on finding thirds.  This is explained really well in one of the white rose lessons so I would like your child to follow along the lesson (click the link below and select ‘week 2’ then ‘lesson 2’)


I have added the accompanying worksheet in the documents section.


To support – similar to yesterday, use counters/coins etc to physically divide objects into 3 groups.  Practise doing this activity with different amounts of coins (smaller numbers) and relate to the number sentence e.g. if starting with 12 coins the number sentence will be 12 ÷ 3 = 4

To extend – have a go at the mastery checkpoint

Spelling rule

Test spelling knowledge. This can be done reading out the words or dictating a sentence containing the word in for the child to write. If they are writing a sentence, remind your child to be accurate with punctuation and use their best handwriting. 


It has been lovely to see so many of you logging onto the Charanga website and having a go at the activities. 


Log on and listen to and appraise one/both of the final two songs ‘that’s what friends are for’ and/or ‘you’ve got a friend in me’.  Next, select ‘Improvise with the song’.  Select the bottom option ‘Improvise!’.  This activity allows you to improvise (make up your own part) along with the song.  In school, we would normally use the glockenspiels/xylophones as well as tamborines and drums.  You can use any instruments you have around the house.  Don’t worry if you don’t have an instrument, anything that makes a noise will do; saucepan and spoon, baby rattle etc.  If you do have an instrument with notes, the suggested notes to play around with are C and D, but just have fun!


As this is the last lesson in the unit of work we always refer back to our original question ‘does going to a Mosque give Muslims a greater sense of belonging?’  Think about this question and draw on what we have learnt throughout the year about Islam; meeting other people who believe in the same God, following the same rituals (what examples could you give for this), being together in a hoy place designed for worship.  Complete the spider diagram to show your ideas.

