Home Learning Week Beginning 20th April 2020
Week beginning Monday 20th April 2020
Monday 20th April 2020
Monday 20th April 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy task |
Over the next few weeks we will be completing reading and writing tasks based on the book Beegu by Alexis Deacon. Each day there will be an activity to complete. We hope you enjoy it.
Look at this book cover.
Imagine you are book detectives. Discuss the following questions then write down your answers.
Tomorrow you will be listening to the story.
Reading comprehension – Purple Mash Percy the Poorly Pony – Chapter 1 Log on to Purple Mash and select 2dos icon in the top left corner. Launch Chapter 1 and read through the information. After you have read this, find Chapter 1 Quiz which has also been set. It will ask you questions on what you have just read. |
Maths task |
Place value: Go through the PowerPoint presentation below - Greater than and less than. Write down your answers on a piece of paper.
Activity: Get a dice and roll it to make different two digit numbers. Use the > and < symbols to show the you understand their place value. If this is too simple, move on to three digit numbers. Perhaps make it into a game. Who can roll the largest 2/3-digit number?
Added extra: A hundred square has been written in code. Can you work out where the tiles are meant to go?
Spelling rule |
Spelling rule this week – adding the suffix –ness to a word ending in y. Remember our rhyme, Is there a letter I need to swap, is there a letter to double or drop? In this case we need to swap the y for an i before adding the suffix – ness. Examples for this spelling rule are: Silliness, ugliness, dizziness, cheekiness, giddiness, chattiness, sleepiness, bossiness, spiciness, stickiness, fussiness, jolliness, happiness, droopiness, sloppiness.
Remember to choose three more words to test your child on at the end of the week from words that you know they struggle with. |
RWI homework book |
Unit 4 Homework 2 – Opposites p15 |
Topic |
Down on the Farm:
To launch our Down on the Farm topic we would like you to spend the next three days making a farm collage. The fun thing about collages is that you can use lots of different materials to make them – cotton wool, baking paper, card, straws, cardboard, tissues, string, wool, magazine cuttings, food packaging.
Spend today planning what you would like your farm to look like, what it will include and what materials you will need to make it. Think about layout and what may be grown there. Is a farm that grows plants or keeps animals? It may be both.
Tuesday 21st April 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy task |
Listen to the story Beegu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaX_zGZO0Y8 Look back at your predictions from yesterday. Were any correct?
So Beegu is her name. What does her name tell us about her? Is it a common name or one you have never heard of before?
Think of other characters from different books. What do their names tell us about them? Write down the names of 5 characters and then what their names tell us about them. Here are some ideas: Miss Honey - Matilda Miss Trunchbull - Matilda The BFG Hook – Peter Pan Dora the Explorer Beauty – Beauty and the Beast Supertato Spontaneous Cyril – The squirrels who squabbled
Can you think of your own character name? What would the name tell the reader about your character?
Reading comprehension – Purple Mash Percy the Poorly Pony – Chapter 2 and Chapter 2 Quiz |
Maths task |
As transition from KS1 to KS2, Year 2 begin to complete pieces of work from a textbook as well as their workbooks in Maths.
Today’s activity is the first from the textbook.
Placing numbers on a number line. P4 of Abacus Textbook. See picture on Seesaw which was sent to you as a family announcement. The task mentions using A3 paper but if you do not have this, A4 is fine.
The Think Task at the bottom is an additional challenge which should extend your child’s learning.
After they have completed the above, there is an online game which follows on from this lesson: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/310/Placing-Numbers-on-a-Number-Line-Tablet-Version
Spelling rule |
Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. |
Topic |
Down on the Farm:
Begin building up your collage. Think about how you can layer different materials and provide perspective i.e. can you make your fields in the back of the picture smaller so that the look further away? |
Wednesday 22nd April 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy task |
Watch the story of Beegu again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaX_zGZO0Y8
Think about the speech bubbles and Beegu’s language. What do you notice? What do you think she is trying to say? Can you remember a time when you had tried to communicate a feeling or idea and no one understood them? How did that make them feel?
Writing activity - Write your own speech or thoughts in bubbles for what you think Beegu might be saying to the rabbits. Following this you may want to spend time writing advice notes to Beegu suggesting where she can find help or what she should do next.
On Seesaw watch the video of Mrs Strawson reading Cuckoo – a story with a familiar theme.
Reading comprehension – Purple Mash Percy the Poorly Pony – Chapter 3 and Chapter 3 Quiz
Maths task |
Numbers beyond 100
Warm Up Play the place value game. Get your parent to think of a three-digit number. They nod for hundreds, clap for tens and click for ones. What number did they make? Repeat.
Starter Open the link and ask your child to find different numbers on the advanced hundred square. They click on each number to highlight them. You will need to use the - button on the left hand side to make a hundred square from 101 - 200. Once you have done numbers up to 200 you may want to try larger ones by using the + button on the left to make a new hundred square. https://www.teacherled.com/iresources/hundredsquareadvanced/
Main task Complete p4 of your new maths workbook.
Additional challenge Mastery checkpoint - please see document below.
Abacus online: Bop a Bird game |
Spelling rule |
Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. |
Topic |
Take a picture of your farm collage. Upload it onto Seesaw and write about how you made it. Make sure you add detail so that it is clear for the reader.
Extra challenge: Can you build a farm out of Lego? |
Thursday 23rd April 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy Task |
Think back to the story of Beegu. How does Beegu’s body language, specifically her ears, reveal her emotions to the reader? Would we be able to tell how she is feeling without the words of the story? Think also about the illustrations – why do you think Beegu is made to stand out against the background?
Imagine the world where Beegu comes from.
Describe the scene you imagine to a family member. Once you are happy with what Beegu’s world is like, draw a picture and post it to Seesaw. Write a brief caption to explain what her world is like and how it differs from our world.
Reading comprehension – Purple Mash Percy the Poorly Pony – Chapter 4 and Chapter 4 Quiz
Maths task |
Warm up – practise counting from 101 up to 200 (use the special hundred square below to help if you need to. Counting on in tens and ones Look at the picture of the dragon and caterpillar below. How much money does each character have? How much money do they have altogether? Remember to always start with the biggest number when adding. Add the tens first and then the ones. You could do this in your head or on a number line. Use a regular 100 square to help if you need to. You can also use 10p and 1p coins to help. Look at the next picture of the dragon. The dragon wants to buy the pencil for 24p and the pen for 45p. How much money will he need altogether? Again, start with the biggest number (45p) and count on in tens first and then ones. Use a 100 square and/or coins to help if you need to.
Now complete page 5 from your workbook. To support – use a hundred square and/or coins. To extend – Page 6 of textbook (see picture below) including the think task. Remember to only use real coin values.
Spelling rule |
Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. |
Science |
Animals including humans – animal babies Have a look at the powerpoint below. Look at slides 23 and 24 (also shown as images below). Have a go at putting the pictures into the correct order to show the life cycle of a frog or a butterfly. |
Friday 24th April 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy task |
What have we learnt about the character of Beegu so far? Draw a large outline of Beegu (see example below). Collect words and phrases to describe her outward appearance and write these on the outside of the outline. Collect words and phrases to describe her feelings, emotions and personality, and write these on the inside of the shape. You could use different colours - red could be for a negative feeling or emotion, green could be positive. Next, turn your sheet of paper over and split it down the middle so that you have two halves. These sections will represent two parts of the story where Beegu might have very different/contrasting feelings and emotions - when she thought she could hear her mother calling, and when she realised it wasn’t her mother. Collect words and phrases to show how Beegu would be feeling at these 2 different parts of the story. You can use words and phrases that you have already collected, and you can also add more.
Reading comprehension – Purple Mash Percy the Poorly Pony – Chapter 5 and Chapter 5 Quiz
Maths task |
Warm up – roll a dice twice to generate a 2-digit number. Count backwards from that number in tens until you get to a 1-digit number. Repeat with a new number. Use the hundred square below to help if you need to.
Counting back in tens and ones Have a look at the picture below of the dragon and caterpillar. All the money belongs to the dragon - how much money does the dragon have? He wants to give 34p to the caterpillar. Working in a similar way to yesterday (but this time we are counting backwards) count back 3 tens first and then 4 ones. Use coins and/or the 100 square to help if you need to. You can also use the number square on the picture to help with your jumps. How much will the dragon have left? Write down the number sentence and answer.
Complete ‘taking away tens and ones’ page below. You can write your answers on a piece of paper. To support – use a hundred square and/or coins. To extend – Have a go at some similar subtractions starting with a 3-digit number.
Active learn game – ‘bop a bird’ |
Spelling rule |
Test spelling knowledge. This can be done reading out the words or dictating a sentence containing the word in for the child to write. If they are writing a sentence, remind your child to be accurate with punctuation and use their best handwriting. |
Music |
Log into your Charanga music account at https://charanga.com/user/login/ . You should be able to access a unit of work called Friendship Song. We will work our way through the activities on the right hand side.
Today’s activities – ‘Listen and appraise Friendship Song. Navigate through these tabs as the song is being played.
‘Warm up games – Friendship Song’ pick a challenge level and follow the instructions. |
RE |
Does going to a Mosque give Muslims a sense of belonging? Gather ideas on feeling a sense of belonging by thinking about these questions: -
Complete the worksheet below to show which different clubs/communities you belong to. |