Upcoming Events
Keep checking back to find out what upcoming events are taking place.
Our next meeting will take place on the Wednesday the 4th May, at 7:30pm.
Details to be communicated soon.
We will be discussing any funding request from the school and the events we are able to put in place for the rest of the school year. Come along if you have any suggestion to make or simply to see what we do, there is no obligation to enrol in any duty!
Every parent or carer of a child in the school is very welcome to come along, with an especially warm welcome to anyone coming for the first time.
See you there!
The PTA Committee
We are looking for someone who can bring some fresh ideas to promoting Cookham Rise and our fundraising activities. It won’t be a big commitment, specifically we need someone to:
- promote our organised events in school newsletter, Cookham noticeboard, etc.
- take over the administration of our Facebook page
- promote our Lottery and Easyfundraising activities
The PTA meet once every half term and all parents and carers are welcome at any of these meetings. If this is something you thing you can and would like to do to support our school, please come along to our next meeting, speak to your class rep, let the office know, or contact us via our Facebook page.
Thank you!