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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Home Learning Week Beginning 4th May

Week beginning Monday 4th May 2020

Monday 4th May 2020


Monday 4th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Non-fiction text.


Write a guide to Earth for aliens. This will be your task for the next three days. The finished piece will be a leaflet produced on Purple Mash. I have set a 2do of a blank leaflet for you to type in your information. I would suggest writing your ideas down on paper during Monday and Tuesday’s lessons and then typing up on the Wednesday.


First, you will need to write an introduction for the front of the leaflet. Think about the purpose of the leaflet, so what it is about and who it is for.


After that you will need to do some research on what to include in the rest of your information text. Use the internet, books or ask an adult as these are all sources of information.


When writing about Earth, I would like you to think about the following categories:

  • Continents and oceans
  • Languages
  • Monuments around the world
  • Animals around the world
  • Your home/area you live
  • Your family
  • School
  • Fun things to do on Earth
  • Dangers for aliens


You do not have to write a lot for each section. At least two-three sentences but more if you are able. I look forward to seeing your finished pieces. There are 10 sections on the leaflet so you can add an idea of your own if you wish.


Attached – planning sheet for leaflet


Reading comprehension:

Purple Mash – A Village full of Vegetables

Read chapter 1 and complete the quiz for chapter 1

Maths task

Mental Addition and Subtraction


Warm Up

Times tables practise – either on TT Rockstars on saying them in and out of order for a parent.


Main task

Today’s objective is to add/subtract 1-digit numbers to/from 2-digit numbers, bridging 10 and using well-known number facts. When we talk about bridging 10 we mean going from one multiple of ten to another so 36 + 8 = would go from the 30s into the 40s.


You will need a dice and the spinner below. Roll a dice twice to get a 2-digit number then spin to see what number you are going to add or subtract. Repeat a couple of times to make sure your child has a good understanding. Encourage use of well-known number facts i.e. 65 + 6 = you would do 65 + 5 first, then add the 1.


Complete the PowerPoint attached below.

To support – use a hundred square (attached below)

To extend – keep the ones digit the same but add a tens value to the number you are adding/subtracting. For example, 47 + 3 = can be changed to 47 + 33 =


Additional task - Mastery checkpoint attached below.


Spelling rule

Spelling rule this week – words ending in –el

travel             cancel        fuel

vowel             camel          model

tunnel            towel           angel

jewel              label           squirrel

To remember to spell el over emphasise the el when saying the word.



Down on the Farm:


This week we are going to be learning about different types of farm. Go through the PowerPoint below to learn about arable and pastoral farms.


Have a think about what type of farm you would like to manage and why. Remember that you can choose a mixture of arable and pastoral.


Here  is an online game for you to enjoy:



Tuesday 5th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task



Following on from yesterday. Make sure that you research each of the categories to give information to an alien who will be visiting Earth.


Here is a reminder of the categories you need to research:

  • Continents and oceans
  • Languages
  • Monuments around the world
  • Animals around the world
  • Your home/area you live
  • Your family
  • School
  • Fun things to do on Earth
  • Dangers for aliens


Try to use some phrases you would find in non-fiction text:

sometimes, normally, often, some people believe, mostly, a common, commonly, did you know that, occasionally, it is a well-known fact that etc.


Reading comprehension:

Purple Mash – A Village full of Vegetables

Read chapter 2 and complete the quiz for chapter 2

Maths task

Warm Up

Times tables – write different times tables that your child is working on onto a piece of paper, put them into a bowl or box and play lucky dip times tables. How many lucky dips can you complete in 1 minute?


Main task

Today’s main focus is subtracting 2-digit numbers.


This can be done a couple by partitioning or using a number line. Please see the video tutorials uploaded to your child’s seesaw account.


Complete p9 of Textbook (picture sent on Seesaw)

To support – complete p11 in workbook (book you have at home)

To extend – p10 of Textbook (picture sent on Seesaw)

Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. 


Down on the Farm:


Hopefully yesterday you learnt a lot about the different types of farms there are because today you are going to try to decide what to farm and where in the UK. Look at the PowerPoint attached and read through the information. It tells us about the UK’s rainfall and also about the ground levels. On the last slide it has pictures of plants and animals informing us about the conditions they grow/live in best.


Main task: Can you decide where you would place the plants/animals on a map of the UK thinking carefully about its rainfall and ground levels?


You can use the blank map attached below, draw your own map or just talk to an adult about it. Also attached is a copy of the last slide if you wanted to cut out the pictures and place them on your map. As they are quite big you may want to stick them around the map and draw lines to the area you would put them.




Wednesday 6th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task



If you haven’t already started, begin typing up your information into the blank leaflet set as a 2do on Purple Mash. Each section has a space for a picture and writing underneath. You can find images by pressing the icon in the middle of the screen at the top (just above the leaflet). This will create a drop-down gallery on the right. You can search images by category or by typing in a word.


I look forward to reading your finished leaflets. If you wish, these can be printed off and kept.


Reading comprehension:

Purple Mash – A Village full of Vegetables

Read chapter 3 and complete the quiz for chapter 3

Maths task

Objective – to add the tens first then the ones when adding 2 digit numbers.


Warm Up

Counting back in 10s, 5s and 2s. Start at whatever 12x the number is (so 120, 60 or 24).

To support – count with your child or write out the numbers to read.

To extend – move on to counting back in 3s from 36 and 4s from 48.


Main task

Practise counting in 10s from different one-digit numbers. What do you notice? Remember that when we add 10 we are not adding anything onto the ones value as 10 has zero ones.

Look at 53 + 45 = and 66 + 27 =

Show how to partition the second number only to add tens and then ones.

53 + 45=

53 + 40 = 93

93 + 5 = 98


66 + 27 =

66 + 20 = 86

86 + 7 =

86 + 4 = 90

90 + 3 = 93


Once you have modelled this, complete the textbook page sent to you on Seesaw.


To support – use a hundred square. Find the starting number and move down for adding tens and across for adding 1s.

To extend – Add a hundred onto the first number making the calculation a 3-digit number plus a 2-digit number. Try to make numbers that bridge (add into) the next 100.


Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. 


Down on the farm:


Today you are going to design your farm. You can choose to build it or draw it.  Minecraft/lego/3D models/blocks/junk modelling etc. can all be used. Remember to think about whether your farm is an arable, pastoral or mixed type.



Thursday 7th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task

If you haven’t already finished your leaflet, use today’s literacy time completing that task.  If your leaflet has already been completed, here is your activity for today.

Look at the images below in the image section.


How do you think the children are feeling as Beegu is taken away from them? What does their body language tell you?

Today we would like you to imagine that you are one of these children who has been playing happily with Beegu in the playground at school. You made a new friend who was taken away from you without being able to say goodbye.  Your task is to write a letter to Beegu.  What would you like to say to Beegu? Would you tell her some things you liked about her? Would you tell her that although she is different you still liked her very much? Would you say you hope she comes to visit again soon? Or perhaps you would say that you hope she finds her parents again.  These are just a few ideas you could include in your letters, but we know you have a lot more of your own to add too. 



Reading comprehension:

Purple Mash – A Village full of Vegetables

Read chapters 4 and 5 then complete the quiz for chapters 4 and 5.

Maths task

Starter – to play with an adult or sibling.

Sit down and both put your hands behind your backs.  Say 3, 2, 1 and bring your hands out showing any number of fingers you like. The first person to say the total number of all the fingers wins.


Adding 2 digit numbers by partitioning

Have a look at the shop picture below.  Choose 2 items to buy from the shop and write it as an addition e.g. 31p + 26p = .  If possible, use 10p and 1p coins to make up the two amounts.  How could we find the total cost of buying these two things? We count the 10ps and then the 1ps. 


30p + 20p = 50p

1p + 6p = 7p

50p + 7p = 57p

Repeat this activity as many times as you want, choosing different items from the shop.


Now complete page 12 in your workbook


To support – use 10p and 1p coins to help you

To extend – use the second picture below and have a go at adding 3 or 4 items together.  Use the same method and don’t forget to show your working.

Spelling rule

Test spelling knowledge. This can be done reading out the words or dictating a sentence containing the word in for the child to write. If they are writing a sentence, remind your child to be accurate with punctuation and use their best handwriting. 


Basic needs

Have a look at the ‘Basic Needs’ powerpoint.  Fill in the pet fact file with information about how you care for your pet.  If you don’t have a pet, use the internet to find out some facts about a pet of your choice.


 Thursday 7th May 2020

Here are today's tasks. There will be no 'work' set tomorrow as it is a bank holiday, but there will be an optional VE day activity should you wish to complete.  We hope you have a well-earned break this bank holiday weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

