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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Willow 6

Welcome to Willow 6!


We're looking forward to another busy and exciting term!  During January and February, we'll be learning about the environment, reading "The Last Bear" by Hannah Gold in class. During March and April, we'll be looking at traditional stories, including Grimm's Fairy Tales and Romeo and Juliet!



Mrs Bond is the Year 6 class teacher, supported in the mornings by Mrs Floyd-Burke.  Mr Brown, our PE coach, will teach the class on Monday afternoons and Miss Maher will teach on Thursday afternoons.  Mrs Bown will support the class on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.


Homework is set on Seesaw each week and you can link to our Teams page here, where there are links to additional resources.


Throughout the year, children should read for at least 20 minutes every day.  Some suggested books for Year 6 children can be found below.  Children are responsible for recording their reading and homework tasks in their planner, which should be brought to school every day and signed by parents at least once a week.


50 recommended reads for Year 6 children.

