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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Beech 5

Welcome to Beech 5

Our topics this year will be:


Autumn term:  Attack!

We will be studying Roman and Anglo-Saxon Britain.  Activities will include visiting Verulamium, the Houses of Parliament and performing Julius Caesar as part of the Schools' Shakespeare Festival.


Spring term:  Arriba, Arriba

We will find out about South America and the Amazon Rainforest.   We will visit Kew Gardens and take part in the Primary Music Festival at the Royal Albert Hall.


Summer term:  We'll meet again

We will discover what it was like to be a child during World War 2.  This term, we will stay overnight at Longridge and take part in a range of adventurous activities.


Homework will be sent home on a Tuesday and should be returned by the following Monday.  Each week, children will have a short reading comprehension to complete, ten spelling words to use correctly in sentences and maths activities set on Mathletics and Active Learn.  This homework should take no more than 90 minutes each week.  Children should also read every night, including reading aloud to an adult at least three times a week.  


PE will usually be on Tuesdays and Fridays, but children should have their PE kits in school all week.


Sample timetable
