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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"


Friday 12th June  

Subject focus 


Literacy Task 

 Noun Phases  

Read through the next extract of Act 1, scene 2. Use a dictionary to check any unfamiliar words.  Watch the video and use the poster to recap on noun phases. 

Highlight or underline all the noun phrases in the text below.  Once you have finished, answer the questions at the bottom of the worksheet.  



Spelling Task 

There is no spelling task set today. 

Maths Task 

Solve word problems choosing an appropriate method 


Complete either the bronze, silver or gold task. Remember to show your workings. 


10 minutes of timetables rock stars 


Muscles needed for movement.  


Watch the BBC Bitesize clip below;  


Task: After watching the explanation of the muscles working to raise or lower the forearm, make a model of a human arm using card for the bones and string to act as the muscles. If the arm is hinged (using a split pin) at the elbow, the children could experiment in getting the string to control the elevation of the arm - like a muscle. Or draw diagrams of  sports stars, annotating the muscles used and in which direction a contraction or extension causes movement. 


