Oak 3
Welcome to Oak Class!
The Year 3 team are very excited to be embarking on this important learning journey with you and your children as they enter Key Stage 2. Mrs Strawson is the main class teacher with Mrs Peters and Mrs Mack supporting as teaching assistants. Miss Maher will teach on Thursday mornings covering PPA. We see you as an active partner in your child's education and we really value your interest and support. By the end of the year we hope that the children have developed in confidence and independence to be the best that they can be.
Here is a copy of our curriculum map for the Spring Term:
An example timetable can be seen below. Literacy and Maths are taught daily with PE taught twice weekly. PE kits need to be sent into school at the beginning of each half term and will be sent home at the end.
Helpful information:
Every morning, your child will be greeted in the playground by a member of the Year 3 Team. If it is raining, children are welcomed in earlier.
There is a morning task for children to complete at their desks.
A visual timetable is accessible to all children so that they are aware of the activities planned for the day.
Every day, children have a morning break and a lunch break. We will also take part in the Daily Mile where children run around our track for a physical and mental break.
It is recommended that children in Year 3 read for at least 15-20 minutes per day. Homework will be set each week and will be in addition to daily reading. This will consist of spellings (following the spelling rule taught that week) and a maths task set in CGP books relating to what we have been doing that week.
Weekly curriculum letters are sent home so parents can have a better understanding of what has been completed in class.
Work is uploaded to Seesaw to help celebrate the children's endeavours.
Our behaviour policy follows three main rules: Ready, Respectful and Safe. Our values of kindness, curiosity and personal best will be intertwined in the children's daily pursuits.
We hope that all the information has been useful. If you have any additional questions or queries, please do not hesitate to ask a member of the Year 3 team.