Home Learning Week Beginning 15th June
Week beginning Monday 15th June 2020
Monday 15th June 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy task |
This week we are going to be working on the story of The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. The class have enjoyed listening to this story in school and we hope that they produce some excellent work on the text.
Listen to the story being read on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46wCRq50Wwg
Today you are going to write a book review on the story. Use the sheet attached below. You may want to listen to it again so that you have a good understanding of what happens in the story.
Reading comprehension: Purple Mash book – I Wish I Was a Fish Set as a 2do. Read chapter 1 and complete chapter 1 quiz. |
Maths task |
Warm Up: Spend some time on Timestables Rockstars.
Main Task: Measuring.
Go through the PowerPoint – Measuring with a ruler.
Your task today is to measure various objects in your homes. Put your measurements into the table provided and always write the unit of measurement AFTER the number e.g. 7cm If you do not have a ruler, you can print off the paper rulers attached below. Remember to make sure that the item you are measuring is lined up with 0 on the ruler. If an object is a length between two intervals (i.e. between 7cm and 8 cm) then write the number it is closest to.
To extend – measure how long an item is in cm and mm. |
Spelling rule |
Today’s spelling rule is words ending in –tion. Please see the spelling video on Seesaw in your child’s personal journal.
There are lots of words with the sh sound in them spelt tion. ti is followed by on to make the ending -tion, which sounds like shun. station lotion action fiction motion nation section attention caption option
Here is a link to a very good website that helps with the various rules taught in Year 2. Followed by the link for today’s rule. https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/2/Year-2
The link for today’s rule is
Topic |
Down on the farm:
Last week you learnt about different types of farm. This week we are going to be focussing on dairy farming.
Print out the Cow to Glass worksheet. Parents - please cut out and mix up so that they are not in the correct order. Children – can you sort them into the correct chronological order? After you have ordered them, read them through so that you are confident with the order. If you do not have a printer, your child can just read through the information.
Next week you will be making scarecrows/bird scarers out of recycled materials for a Design and Technology project. You may want to start collecting things now. Designs you will see next week use materials like clothes hangers, CDs, ribbons, tins, bells etc. |
PE |
Cosmic Kids Yoga - https://youtu.be/j_3weVPH0-U The Wizard of Oz |
Tuesday 16th June 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy task |
In today’s literacy lesson, you are going to be writing sentences on the characters Hamish, Mr Grinling, Mrs Grinling and the seagulls.
Use the worksheet attached below to help build up interesting character sentences. Write them out in your best handwriting.
To extend – come up with some additional sentences for each of the characters. What powerful vocabulary can you include?
Reading comprehension: Purple Mash book – I Wish I Was a Fish Set as a 2do. Read chapter 2 and complete chapter 2 quiz. |
Maths task |
Warm Up: Hit the button game for doubles and then halves.
Main task: Today you will be carrying on with measuring in cm.
Complete p27 in your Abacus workbooks.
Extension – complete some of the challenges from Measuring Length Challenge Cards attached below. |
Spelling rule |
Spend 5 minutes on today’s spellings.
Topic |
Down on the farm:
Go through the PowerPoint on Dairy Farming attached below. It gives details about dairy farming in Scotland.
Write down four things you have learnt from the PowerPoint.
Think about whether you would like to be a dairy farmer.
PE |
1 minute challenges.
Try doing the following tasks for 1 minute each. Remember to have a break between and to drink water.
Wednesday 17th June 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy task |
Diary entry
Imagine you are Mr Grinling. You are going to write a diary entry for one of the days from the story. Think about which day you could write about, what events happen and how Mr Grinling is feeling.
Here is an example:
Dear diary, What a frustrating day I have had! It started like any other. I woke up early to the happily tweeting birds outside my cottage window, dressed in my work gear and made my way over to the lighthouse. There had been a storm yesterday so the light needed extra cleaning as it was covered in sea water. After a whole morning of working hard, I was really looking forward to my lunch (Mrs Grinling had promised me the most amazing feast). Then, disaster. Three scavenging seagulls swooped down on the basket carrying my lunch and ate it, every last crumb! I shouted and hollered at them to leave my food alone but they took not the slightest notice of me. I could not believe what had happened. My stomach was as empty as a bucket with a hole in. It felt like hours until it was time to row back home. Luckily Mrs Grinling had also seen what had happened and made extra for my dinner. It managed to cheer me up a little but I was still furious with those pesky pests. Mrs Grinling has said that she will tie a napkin onto the basket tomorrow. Thank goodness, as I am not sure I could survive another day without any lunch.
Reading comprehension: Purple Mash book – I Wish I Was a Fish Set as a 2do. Read chapter 3 and complete chapter 3 quiz. |
Maths task |
Warm Up Choose different two or three digit numbers and partition them. See how many you can complete in one minute.
Main task Today you are going to be working on telling the time. You will be reading the time on an analogue clock and converting to a digital clock. Analogue clocks are clocks with hands; digital clocks only have numbers.
Go through these with your child before they complete the workbook page. O’clock – 00 minutes Quarter past – 15 minutes Half past – 30 minutes Quarter to – 45 minutes
Now complete p 35 in your workbook.
Use the game below to help your child’s understanding. Choose whichever level is most appropriate. https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/116/telling-the-time |
Spelling rule |
Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. |
Topic |
Down on the farm:
It is very hard work, being a dairy farmer. They work very long hours.
Go through the PowerPoint presentation, A day in the life of a dairy farmer, below
Write a timetable for a dairy farmer using the worksheet below. Try to include a lot of detail in the information to the farmer. You can go back through the PowerPoint to help you remember what happens and when.
Thursday 18th June 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy Task |
Your task today is to describe the most revolting sandwich that you would use to deter those pesky seagulls. Have a listen to the story ‘The Disgusting Sandwich’ by Gareth Edwards to get some ideas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWfw29sz6ps
Write a paragraph to describe your sandwich using lots of adjectives e.g. minty toothpaste mixed with slimy slugs, sprinkled with stinky, mouldy cheese.
When you have finished writing about your sandwich, draw a picture of it at the bottom. You can use the sheet below in the documents section.
Reading comprehension: Purple Mash book – I Wish I Was a Fish Set as a 2do. Read chapter 4 and complete chapter 4 quiz. |
Maths task |
Starter Look at picture 1. Decide what coins you could use to pay for each item.
Telling the time Look at the clock in picture 2. When the minute (long) hand is in the right half of the clock, we say minutes past the hour and when it is in the left part, the time is closer to the next hour so we say minutes to the hour. Look at the clock in picture 3. We write this time in digital as 2:50 because 50 minutes have gone past 2 o’clock. However, when we say the time we tend to say how many minutes until the next hour. As there are 60 minutes in an hour, and 50 minutes have gone past, we can easily work out how many minutes are left until the next hour. 60 – 50 = 10, so we say ten to four.
Now try Page 35 in your workbook To support – use the following interactive clock tool with an adult or older sibling. They can say a time for you to make on either the analogue or digital clock face. Start with o’clock, half past and quarter past times. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock To extend – use the above interactive clock for all times to and past the hour. |
Spelling rule |
Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. |
Science |
Energy Experts Look through the attached PowerPoint to find out more about energy. We would like you to spend some time being ‘Energy Experts’. Have a look around your home and make a note of things that use energy. You could take photos and put them into a photo collage. Once you have done this, think about ways in which you could reduce the amount of energy used. For example: -
You do not need to write anything down for this activity, but you can keep a note of how you have managed to save energy if you would like to. |
Friday 19th June 2020 |
Subject focus |
Task |
Literacy task |
Today and next week we would like you to write the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ in your own words. Perhaps you would like to fold some A4 pieces of paper to make a booklet. Today we would like you to write an introduction to the story. You might wish to rewatch the story to remind you how the author introduced the story.
Your introduction should include: -
(you may wish to use your character descriptions that you wrote on Tuesday to help with this.)
You can add an illustration or two to go with your introduction.
Reading comprehension: Purple Mash book – I Wish I Was a Fish Set as a 2do. Read chapter 5 and complete chapter 5 quiz. |
Maths task |
Starter Have a go at estimating a minute with an adult. Count for 60 seconds and when you think a minute is up say ‘stop’. The adult can time your estimate and tell you how far off a minute you actually were.
Telling the time A television channel is showing back-to-back cartoons for an hour with no adverts! Each cartoon lasts ten minutes. The cartoon hour starts at five o’clock in the evening. How many cartoons do you think they will show in the hour? Try to work it out using whatever maths/diagrams you need. Then have a look at picture 1. This shows 6 clock faces 10 minutes apart. 6 x 10 minutes = 60 minutes (1 hour) Or 60 minutes ÷ 10 minutes = 6
Now try Page 36 in your workbooks To support – As you are adding 10 minutes, you could use a hundred square (picture 3) to help with adding ten, but remember not to go beyond 60 as 60 minutes takes you to the next hour! To extend – page 37 in your workbooks There is also a mastery checkpoint to do if you fancy a challenge! (picture 2) |
Spelling rule |
Test spelling knowledge. This can be done reading out the words or dictating a sentence containing the word in for the child to write. If they are writing a sentence, remind your child to be accurate with punctuation and use their best handwriting. |
Music |
Log onto your Charanga account at https://berkshire.charanga.com/ and select step 3. Pick and choose from the activities down the right hand side. Again, the songs we have learnt this year are towards the bottom if you would like to listen to and sing along with them. |
RE |
Last week we researched the city of Mecca, and we found out that Muslims aim to make a journey to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.
Read through the attached PowerPoint to find out more about the special journey.
Next watch the following cartoon to find out more about what the journey to Mecca might be like https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z9vcd2p |