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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

School Council

School Council Meeting Friday 10th January


Our fantastic school council members represent their entire class and so we thought it would be a good idea to gather views and ideas more widely. 

We are considering how to make Cookham Rise even better and as major stakeholders, we are asking the children for their own unique ideas.


In our meeting each pair of representatives decorated a 'suggestion bag' for their own class.  The children will be given time in class to complete the task of popping ideas into each bag before we gather them back on 31st January to review the contents. 


Mrs Hunter and The School Council

Our wonderful new School Council Represntatives 2024 - 2025

School Council's Cake stall for The Rosie Rainbow Fund Charity

Friday 28th June 3.15pm (cash only please)


During our meeting on Friday 24th May the class representatives nominated a range of potential charities to support via our upcoming cake stall. Five options were discussed and following a vote The Rosie Rainbow Fund Charity was selected. Here is some information on the charity - 


"Rosie’s Rainbow Fund was founded in 2004, and we are immensely proud to have supported tens of thousands of seriously ill, life-limited, disabled, and special-needs children, as well as their parents, siblings, and other family members. With donations from our supporters and friends of the charity we have raised millions of pounds to fund our work in the Berks, Bucks, and Oxon communities."


Further information can be found on their website here 


The stall will be run by the school council members and we would be very grateful indeed for donations of cakes (home made or bought) to come into school on the morning of Friday 28th June,


With many thanks,

Mrs Hunter and The School Council

Friday 2nd Febrauary 2024


This week in our School Council Meeting, we prepared to host our book swop for World Book Day. The children made book tokens whilst listening to lovely piano music. The KS2 children also took bags of sultanas back to class which were kindly funded by the PTA.


Mrs Hunter and The School Council

School Council Meeting 

Friday 13th October


The children introduced themselves to the council and told us which class they represented. Last summer term our previous School Council had chosen bean bags and footballs for each class, after a kind financial gift from the PTA.


The new council delivered the bean bags to class; the footballs have been inflated and will be delivered to class early this term.


After a photo, the children also suggested some thoughts for the year ahead which included a requests for a Christmas class party and another book swop event.


Mrs Hunter and the School Council

Our 2023 - 2024 School Council

Food bank collection and delivery.


We were absolutely thrilled with the generosity of parents and children when they brought in food on Friday 24th March. The School Council team helped to carry the bags to my car and we delivered them to Foodshare Maidenhead the following morning. 

Foodshare day...



School Council Meeting 3rd March 2023


Our chosen charity is the food bank and we looked at their website to see how best to 

support them.  We would like anyone in a position to do so to send in an item of food

on Friday 24th March which we'll collect in the playground both before and after school. 

The food bank has especially requested these items below if possible - 

Basic items  - Tinned Potatoes, Tinned curry, Tinned Sardines, Tinned Mackerel, Long life Waffles, Biscuits, Tinned Sweetcorn
Tinned Peas, Tinned Mixed Vegetables, Cooking Sauce, Tinned Ravioli, Jam & Marmite, Savory snacks, Crisps, UHT Milk
Puddings - Tinned Fruit Cocktail, All Tinned Fruit, Tinned Rice Pudding, Tinned Custard, Individual steam puddings
Spreads - Marmite, Chocolate Spread, Syrup, Jam, Marmalade
With many thanks from
The School Council and Mrs Hunter 

School Council Meeting 5th November 2021 


It was lovely to hold a socially distance School Council Meeting for the first time in a very long while. The children introduced themselves and were congratulated on being selected by their peers for this important role within our school. We discussed the upcoming Children In Need day and took a vote to confirm that we are happy with the non uniform fundraiser to take place on Friday 19th November.  


KS2 has some particularly exciting news – the trim trail is to be almost completely remodeled. Nick, who designs and builds our trim trails has 2 designed options for the school. These will be discussed by the KS2 School representatives and Mrs Daniels and so the very best one can be chosen.  


Finally, the children were given a task to complete for our next meeting on Friday 10th December. They are to consult with their peers and have a think of their own preference for a chosen school charity. At the next meeting, we’ll write a list of possible options, the children can make a case for their choice and then we’ll vote to select one.  We'll also make a plan for how to fundraise for our selection.


With thanks to our representatives for a great start to the year, 


Mrs Hunter  




Update - June 11th 2020


We have added up how much money our School Council has raised in total this academic year. We are delighted to announce...




to be shared between The World Wildlife Fund and The National Autistic Society.

The school council representatives have all worked very hard this year and I am proud of them all,

Mrs Hunter

Our meeting with Sue from Caterlink

School Council’s Meeting with Sue from Caterlink 

March 2020 

Every child in the school contributed to a Pupil Parliament meeting which discussed Caterlink school meals. More specifically, we debated what we enjoy, what improvements we’d like to see and what we think about ‘grab bags’ (the equivalent of a school packed lunch.) 

As you can imagine, there was a wide range of views but also some definite common themes emerged. Here is a summary -  

We currently enjoy - 

Suggested improvements -  

Views on grab bags -  

  • Friday fish and chips 

  • Event days e.g. pancake day 

  • Variety of puddings 

  • Lunch ladies are kind 

  • Jelly 

  • Lasagne 

  • Pizza - BBQ 

  • Melted cheese 

  • Meatballs 

  • Roast chicken 

  • Macaroni cheese 

  • Christmas lunch 

  • Hot food 

  • The people are nice 


  • Both pasta and jacket potatoes available daily 

  • Pasta is sometimes watery 

  • Tomato sauce with pasta 

  • Salad bar being refilled during lunchtime 

  • Larger portions for KS2 

  • Optional custard on puddings 

  • Variety of sauces available 

  • Make cakes so they don’t all taste the same 

  • Plain burgers (option of no cheese) 

  • ‘meat’ options sometimes have no meat 

  • Food that it easier to cut up 

  • More sugar in puddings 

  • Year 6, served last, sometimes have less options available 

  • More drink options 

  • Ordering online difficult & sometimes parents forget to do it 

  • A choice of hot vegetables 

  • Add sushi, chicken katsu curry, carbonara, pizzas with a crust, breaded chicken and chilli 

  • A choice of pizza toppings 

  • More frequent menu changes 

  • Salt, pepper and vinegar 

  • Guest chefs like Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsay 

  • Smoothies 

  • Hot dogs 

  • Puddings that you can pre-order 

  • Too expensive 

  • Larger portions of both food and drink 

  • We like the sandwich options 

  • We’d like jam, honey chicken, chicken mayo and sweetcorn, bacon or sausage sandwiches 

  • Include yoghurt as an extra pudding 


Sue met with our School Council to discuss the feedback as listed above. The children were very impressive in the way they conveyed the information. She talked about some specific points and how or if these could be rectified. 

  1. Salt and sugar in school dinners 

Sue explained that the Government lays down stringent guidelines which bans added salt in school dinners and strictly limits the amount of sugar they may put in, for example, cakes. 

  1. Tomato sauce on pasta 

Sue said Caterlink would be able to create a herby, tomato sauce for pasta as an option. 

  1. Portion sizes  

      Sue explained that the portions should be a fair size and that she would organise some training to              ensure that all kitchen staff adhered to this.  

  1. Salad bar 

       Sue explained that the kitchen staff should be refilling the salad bar during lunchtime and that she             would remind them to do so. 

  1. Choice of drinks 

        Sue explained that Caterlink are planning to introduce a range of flavoured water options,           including choices such as lemon, mint, cucumber and orange water. 

  1. Tablecloths 

Sue is to bring some new tablecloths to refresh the look of serving tables 

  1.  Yoghurt station 

Caterlink plans to introduce a yoghurt station, where children can select from a range of flavoured yoghurts 

  1. Pre ordered puddings 

Sue explained that this would be too complicated to organise and that they try to keep a range of puddings for every year group.  


The School Council and Mrs Hunter 

Fundraising Update!


We are delighted to announce that the popcorn and cake stall raised a magnificent £130.40 and would like to thank everyone for their very kind cake donations. We would also like to thanks the PTA for lending us their popcorn machine and for donating the kernels and Katie Hone for kindly giving her time to run the machine. 


We have also been given half of the donations collected at the Christmas shows bringing our grand total to a marvellous £367 for The Autistic Society and The World Wildlife Fund. 


Many thanks indeed,

Mrs Hunter and The School Council

Feb 2020

Our Marketing Meeting for the cake and popcorn stall


We met up on Friday 24th January to prepare eye catching posters in order to

advertise our upcoming stall in aid of The National Autistic Society and The World Wildlife Fund.

This stall will be held outside directly after school on Friday 7th February.

We would very much appreciate donations of cake (home made or shop bought) to be

delivered to school on the day (at morning drop off please)

The PTA is very kindly freshly popping the corn in the afternoon and donating the it

to our cause. The school council themselves will be running the stall and they look forward to

serving lots of happy customers!

Mrs Hunter and the School Council

November School Council Meeting Minutes


We met as council to debate a range of different ideas to raise funds for our two charities, which are The National Autistic Society and The World Wildlife Fund. 

After the pros and cons were discussed, the children voted for a cake and popcorn stall straight after school on Friday 7th February. 

Next term we will spend time on marketing the event with special posters and ask parents and staff to kindly donate cakes. 


Mrs Hunter and The School Council

Choosing our charities - Minutes of meeting

Friday 8th November


Our school council met to debate which charity we should support this academic year. The representatives suggested a range of 5 charities and expressed their opinions on the merits of each one. After careful discussion and debate, the children were ready to place their votes. We had a tie for first place and the children decided that they would prefer to support both charities. The two winners are...


The World Wildlife Fund

 & The National Autistic Society


Before our next scheduled meeting, the children will be talking to their class mates to decide how they would like to raise funds,

Mrs Hunter and The School Council.

Congratulations to our School Council Class Representatives 2019 - 2020

Minutes of the meeting - Friday 4th October 2019

I started by congratulating all the class representatives for being voted on to the council by their peers. We then discussed the purpose and scope of the school council. The children would like to make Cookham Rise Primary even better and to select a charity to support this year.

After our group photo, we started making decisions. The council would like the school to hold a "Mufti" (non school uniform) day for Children in Need on Friday 18th November. We would welcome a minimum donation of £1 per child in return for dressing in pyjamas, sports wear or any other choice.

Finally the representatives were set a research task. They are each going to consult with their class and then bring a suggestion for a charity to champion. After listening to each other's views, we will hold a vote to select one at the next meeting. 

Mrs Hunter and The School Council.

Round up news: July 2019


Cancer Research Sponsored run


In the Spring term, the entire school supported our sponsored run on Catherine Barrett's Way. The children counted their own laps and each class took it turn to complete as many laps as possible in a 20 minute period. We were kindly supported by the local Cancer Research champions who came to a launch assembly and presented a certificate after the event. The staff, children and parents were whole heartedly behind our venture and we raised an incredible




End of year reflections from our wonderful School Council Representatives (2018 - 2019)


We celebrated our year with a chocolate biscuits and a reflective chat -


School Council " fun. You raise money and you give money to charities"


"It's a privilege to be in it"


Advice to the next School Council Representatives... "Don't be afraid with choosing a charity"






We raised a magnificent £226.67 for Children In Need day on 16th November.

Many thanks for your kind donations.


The School Council

Minutes of our School Council meeting - 16.11.18


The primary purpose of our meeting was to select charities to support over the course of the year. Some of the older representatives explained the history of our support for 'New Brainstorm School' in Uganda and the children voted to continue supporting this venture. The children then made a case for other charities to be considered. They were Cancer Research and Homes for the Homeless. In pairs, the children debated their merits and in a close vote of 8 to 6, Cancer Research was duly chosen.


Following this, the children had an opportunity to discuss Jigsaw, our Life Skills / PSHE programme, which is taught across the school. Here is some of the feedback - 

"I like celebrating differences form all around the world" (year 3)

"The structure's's a perfect technique. It's in the right order" (year 5)

"It's my favourite lesson because it controls my attitudes" (year 3)

"We've been doing anti - bullying and making posters (such as) 'If you have a negative mind, then you'll never have a positive life.'" (year 6)

"It's one of my favourite lessons. You calm down, when the teacher plays the chime bars" (at the start of each session, to focus the mind) (Year 4)


At the next meeting, children will suggest ways of fund raising for our charities.


Mrs Hunter and The School Council

Our first School Council Meeting 12.10.18
I started by congratulating the children for being voted in as their class representatives. Each child then introduced themselves and some expressed their ambitions for the council this year. Some example were -
"To make the school as good as possible"
"To make school as fun as possible"
"To represent my class in the best way that I can"
"To make the school fair"
"To have more toys"
After taking our council photo, we looked at the marketing information sent to us in the post by BBC Children In Need. A discussion on holding a non uniform ('mufti') day to raise funds ensued. Some children suggested wearing pyjamas, bear costumes, onesies, dressing up clothes or allowing children to choose what they wanted to wear. A minimum donation of £1 per child would be asked for on the day, to be collected in a bucket at the side gate on entry to school. After a vote, it was decided that we would go with the free choice of clothes idea.
Children In Need day is Friday 16th November and the council is looking forward to raising funds for this good cause.
Mrs Hunter and The School Council

School Council Meeting Minutes



We met as a team to debate and select a way of fund raising for our two chosen charities this year - The Greyhound Trust and New Brainstorm School. In small groups, the children came up with a whole host of ideas for after school stalls...l including -


books / soft toys / cakes / colouring books / second hand clothes / sweets / puzzles / teddies.


After some discussion and tallying of ideas, we realised that the most popular suggestions were for cakes, sweets and second hand soft toys which are still in good condition. During week commencing 30th April, we will be asking parents to kindly donate cakes and soft toys and I'll produce the sweets! Our stall will be open in the playground after school on Friday 4th May, run by the school council. We look forward to seeing you there,


with many thanks,

Mrs Hunter and The School Council





School Council Meeting - minutes

Friday 23rd February 2018

Our meeting started with a review of how effectively we've raised funds for charities this year. In the autumn term, the school council decided that we would support Children In Need by holding a mufti non uniform day which resulted in £267.86 being sent to Pudsey Bear.
More recently, our sponsored run for the NSPCC raised a huge £1,933.20 and again, the school council were involved in making some of the important decisions around this event.
We were delighted to welcome two visiting Governors to our meeting - Mrs Sprules and Mrs Beaney. Mrs Sprules presented a very useful guide to the role of our Governors at Cookham Rise School and answered questions. The children learnt about the huge range of tasks that Governors carry out and Mrs Sprules asked them to suggest ideas as to how Governors could learn even more about our school.
We also had a little discussion about a name for our new astroturf running track.
Next meeting, we will finalise our ideas to raise funds for our School Council chosen charities - New Brainstorm School and The Greyhound Trust.
Mrs Hunter

 Minutes of our meeting 24.11.17

The children arrived with thoughts about which charities they would like to support this year and explained their choices with great enthusiasm and respect for each other's ideas.  We decided that we would happily continue to support New Brainstorm School and so then set about casting two votes each to determine our second charity.

The results for the nominated charities were as follows -

Shelter - 4
Battersea cats and dogs home - 6
Cancer Research - 3
Toilet Twinning - 4
Greyhound Trust - 9 (our winner)

We meet again early next term to learn about a mini project of supporting the NSPCC's "Speak Out" campaign and to organise dates and times for other fundraising ideas.

Mrs Hunter and The School Council.

Minutes of our first meeting of the new academic year



The children introduced themselves and took the decision that they would like the school to support Pudsey Bear's Children In Need day on Friday 17th November. They suggested that children could wear football kits, pyjamas or any non school uniform clothes of their choice. As ambassadors, they each had a Pudsey sticker.


After taking a group photo, the children split into 3 mixed aged groups to discuss what they'd like to achieve from being on the council this year. Suggestions included supporting New Brainstorm School, encouraging more outdoor learning, holding an ice cream stall or a free money stall, promoting more academic competitions and developing teamwork. Some representatives felt that their personal confidence in speaking in front of others would improve as a result of the experience of School Council.


Mrs Hunter and the new School Council.

Friday 27th January - Our Marvellous Cake and Sweet Stall in aid of New Brainstorm School and Wateraid.


Many thanks to all the children, staff and parents who baked and bought goodies for our popular after school stall. The council had met a week before to design posters as part of the marketing campaign. Thank you to all the school council children who helped out on the stall. The money is currently being counted and the funds raised will be posted on this site soon,


with many thanks again,


Mrs Hunter and the School Council.


*************STOP PRESS**********


Total raised (to be shared between Wateraid and The New Brainstorm School)


Many thanks, once again, to everyone who made this possible.  


Voting for our charities...

School Council Minutes


The representatives had been considering which charities we should support this academic year. Six charities were suggested and their nominators gave considered and eloquent reasons for their choices.
They were - Elizabeth House, Help the Aged, Wateraid, Cancer UK, The New Brainstorm School and a Shelter charity which provides tents. Each child had two votes (represented by little bears), which they placed on the named charity card of their choice. The older children helped the younger children to read the names. The two with the highest votes were chosen - Wateraid and The New Brainstorm School.
We then debated ideas for the initial fund raiser and the following ideas were suggested - cake and sweet stall, bouncy castle, mufti day (super heroes theme),a Christmas stall or asking each current stall for a % of their takings. The vote nominated a cake and sweet stall, which will take place in term 3, after Christmas.
Mrs Hunter and The School Council.

Minutes of our first meeting



Our newly elected representatives were welcomed and each introduced and gave an interesting fact about themselves. The meeting took place on a very special day for our school - we were having a 'mufti' (non school uniform) tea and cake sale day for our teacher, Mrs Barrett, who is poorly. After taking the group photo, we discussed what we'd like to achieve this year. Initial ideas included -


  1. a visit to Bisham Primary School's School Council, to share good ideas
  2. gathering suggestions to make school trips and lessons even more fun
  3. replacing / mending KS2 lunchtime equipment for the playground
  4. having a talent show for Mrs Barrett
  5. providing highly motivating rewards for good behaviour in KS2, such as cinema trips
  6. holding a charity stall


Mrs Hunter had recently attended a Friends of the Rise meeting and had been asked about play equipment needs, so this could be a joint venture to be pursued.


The children were asked to research and nominate charities for our next meeting. We'll hold a vote and support one or two for this academic year.


Our next meeting will be held after half term.

Mrs Hunter and The School Council




School Council 2016 - 2017


Welcome back to school. This week and next, each class will vote for 2 class representatives. I very much look forward to seeing who is awarded the badges and responsibility during our weekly 'well done' assembly on Friday 16th September.


Mrs Hunter

School Council Supporter.




Our School Council Representatives for 2015 - 2016

March 2016 minutes


Laura Tull, who is a councillor with Cookham Council, came to visit us in order to find out the children's views on how to improve The Alfred Major Recreation Park. In pairs, the children completed a questionnaire which may well be sent to all pupils in the school at a later date. Laura was very impressed with our school council and the way in which the children expressed their views clearly and with confidence.


The children took away paper in order to design a poster for our cake and sweet fund raising stall, which will be held after Easter.


Finally, we discussed ideas for the theme of our school summer fair.


Mrs Hunter.

February Minutes of our meeting


The children debated various ways in which we could raise money for our 2 charities this year. We discussed the pros and cons of a second hand toy shop, sweet and cake stall, a sponsored silence and a mufti day. A vote was taken and the sweet and cake stall was selected. As there are a lot of other fund raising events happening at the moment, we decided it may be better to organise this one for after Easter. The children all took home an A3 sheet in order to design a poster.


Local Councillor Laura Tull contacted our school and, having met with Mrs Hunter, has now arranged to visit The School Council on Friday 18th March in order to garner views on improvements to The Alfred Major Recreation Park. She is keen for the children's ideas and thoughts to become part of the plan and we look forward to working with her.


Minutes from our meeting on 26th November 2015



Following Pupil Parliament meetings, involving every single child in the school, the council met to review, collate and discuss views expressed on behaviour at Cookham Rise Primary. The debate was very interesting and the children listened respectfully to opposing views.


In general, the children felt that positive behaviour management is working well for most pupils and that our Golden Rules were widely understood and followed. It was thought that the reflection room has the biggest impact (working as a deterrent) for those who are rarely asked to go.


The children had practical suggestions to improve behaviour further, such as the KS2 children being sent out to collect items from their lockers in small groups and that children who misbehave are withdrawn from special treats.


The children felt that merits, nuggets, house points and public praise all helped to encourage and reward good behaviour. 


These ideas are to be shared with the staff by Mrs Hunter.


In addition, we discussed and voted for our 2 charities for the year and the most popular were Dr Barnardo's and The New Brainstorm School in Uganda.


Minutes of our School Council Meeting (Thursday 17th September)


Our new representatives met up to introduce themselves and explain what they would like

to achieve this year through our school council. There were requests for resources, ideas

for the Summer Fair, organisational changes suggested and also a simple request for



We also discussed which charities to support this year and to that end, the

representatives have been asked to research ideas to bring to our next meeting.


Mrs Daniels had received a request from the borough for us to ‘adopt a street’ to keep

clean and tidy and suggested that the enclosed Alfred Major Park area may be a possible

location. The council voted in favour of this.


Finally, we assembled for a really lovely group photo.

Mrs Hunter and the School Council.

February Meeting - Minutes


Cookham Parish Council has asked the children to suggest ideas in order to improve Cookham over the next few years. This was discussed in Pupil Parliament and The School Council worked well to collate all of this information. We will be presenting our creative ideas at the next Cookham Parish meeting to be held in March.


We also discussed fund raising ideas for our two charities and, after a vote, the idea of an after school sweet stall was decided upon.


Finally, we turned our thoughts to Comic Relief's Red Nose day, to be held on Friday 13th March. The theme this year is secret agents and the council have asked the pupils to dress as either a secret agent, to wear red or to dress in a funny way. We're looking forward to seeing the outfits!  

December 2014 Meeting Minutes.


 Pupil Parliament, which comprises each child in the school organised into 7 debating groups, has recently been discussing school clubs. They suggested clubs which they would like to see set up. The school council representatives then helped to sort these suggestions.


Some of the suggestions were for clubs that have been up and running for some time, such as football. After comparing with the current club list, there were no less than 33 new ideas! Each of the school council representatives had 3 votes and they considered carefully where to place their votes.


The most popular club suggestion was for football cards and the second was for roller skating club.


December also saw the School Council meeting representatives from one of our charities - Re:Charge R&R in Maidenhead.

Thank You from Re:Charge RR

Re:Charge visit our School Council. December 2014.

The ladies from RE:Charge wrote us a kind email following their visit.


Thank you for inviting us to the carol concert this afternoon, it was a real privilege to be there and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  It was also lovely to meet up  and chat with all the pupils on the school council.  They were all very attentive and polite and very interested in what happens at the Re:Charge sessions. Please say a huge thank you to them when you meet with them again after Christmas. 


We hope you have a good, restful Christmas and look forward to working more closely with you all in the New Year. 
Kind regards
Georgie and Hannah

What is a School Council?


A school council is an ideal opportunity for pupils to get involved in the way a school is run. They are made up in a number of different ways but it is usual for each year group to be represented by two children. Councillors are voted in by the other pupils and it is their responsibility to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of the pupils that they represent.

A school council benefits the whole school. It provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings to teachers and staff as well as influence decisions that are made.

A school council gives pupils the opportunity to develop skills such as confidence, negotiation, discussion and listening. All of which are skills that help explore the idea of what being a good citizen means. It is an active learning experience that is supported by P.S.H.E. lessons. The council meets once every half term. Representatives are pictured on a board in the school hall.

We support two main charities each year which are voted for by the children. We are also continually supporting Foodshare. Please see below for more information.

Our School Council 2014 - 2015

First School Council Meeting 25.9.14



We met to introduce ourselves to each other and to start the business of running the council. The children discussed which 2 charities to adopt this year and chose Africa Turns Green and Re-Charge of Maidenhead. 


After our group photo, we had a paired discussion on how to improve the running of lunches at school. Each representative will be discussing ideas with their own class and bring ideas to the next meeting.



Mrs Hunter

School Council Co-ordinator.


There is a real spirit of entrepreneurship in Africa despite the political, social and climatic challenges facing the continent. Every year, new sustainable businesses are set up, providing much needed jobs and boosting local economies. One of the key difficulties is that many eco-entrepreneurs live in remote locations and don’t have access to help and advice from other businesses. This is where Africa Turns Green can help. It aims to create a pan-African business support network for environmentally-friendly companies. For more information please click on the picture to go straight to their website or on the link to see what our school has been doing in association with Africa Turns Green.

Foodshare is a charity providing food and help for people in and around Maidenhead who cannot afford to feed themselves properly.

Our Deputy Head, Mr. Richard Rhodes, launched our school's involvement with the charity in March 2014 when Mr. Tom O'Kane visited the school for a special assembly.


Re:charge R&R (Restore & Revive) work with families in Maidenhead community with weekly drop in sessions at Larchfield, Furze Platt and Maidenhead town centre. Their aim is to help with parenting, stress and any difficulties with home life. All families can feel safe and supported at all their venues which are open for most weeks of the year. For more information please click on the picture to go straight to their website.
