Oak 3
Welcome to Oak 3!
Our topics this year will be:
Autumn 2019 - Hard Times
Spring 2020 - Flying High
Summer 2020 - Storms and Shipwrecks
Please note that PE in the Autumn Term is timetabled for Monday with swimming on Thursdays but it would be helpful if children have their school PE kit (green shorts or skort and white T-shirt plus plain black track suit for colder days) in school every day. We aim to complete the Daily Mile on days that we do not have a PE lesson.
For homework, children will be asked to complete either a reading comprehension or some maths questions each week. They will also receive new spelling every fortnight to be be learnt. However, reading remains the most important activity and children should read for at least 15 minutes every day. Please continue to read aloud to your child - sharing books helps them to learn new vocabulary and talking about reading together supports the development of comprehension skills.