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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Home Learning Week Beginning 11th May

Week beginning Monday 11th May 2020

Monday 11th May 2020


Monday 11th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

The next two weeks will be focussing on the book The Day the Crayons Quit written by Drew Daywalt and illustrated by Oliver Jeffers. If you have this book at home, then perhaps your child can read it independently. If not, then here is a link to the book being read aloud:


Today’s task is to listen/read the story and answer these questions:

  1. Why are the crayons upset?
  2. Are they all upset for the same reasons?
  3. Can you think of another colour crayon that could have written a letter? What would they have been upset about?


After answering these questions, I would like you to draw the colour crayon that you thought of for question 3 and write what they may say to Duncan. Use the attached worksheet below to help.


Reading comprehension– bug club

Your child has been allocated another book on Bug Club. This can be found in the same place as Abacus online games. Your child needs to read each page. If there is a picture of a bug on the page they have just read, they need to click it to answer questions.

Maths task

Measuring weight


Warm Up:

Timestables Rockstars. Play a few games on TT Rockstars. Can you improve your score?


Main Task:

Intro - Look at PowerPoint below involving Mass.


Find four/five objects around the room and put them in order from lightest to heaviest by feel. Was it easy? What if the objects were quite similar in weight, would it be as easy then? What could you use to measure weight? If you have kitchen/bathroom scales can you check your answers? Heavier items may need to be measured on bathroom scales – make sure if you are using a combination of different types of scales that the unit of measuring is the same (g).


p14 in Workbooks on measuring scales. Pay careful attention to the scale.


Extension – if possible, follow a recipe and make something. It could be bread, cakes, flapjacks etc. A recipe for flapjacks can be found below.

Spelling rule

Words ending in –al.

Most words that have an ending that sounds like l are spelt le. For example: The little baby had a bottle and a rattle. But some words that have an ending the sounds like l can also be spelt el and al. This week you will be practising words ending in al.

Examples include:


To help you remember how to spell these words, say each syllable in an exaggerated way like ca/pi/tal or ma/gi/cal. Make the words rhyme with ‘shall’. Unfortunately, there isn’t a rule to help us know which ending we need (le, el or al) we just have to learn them as we read them. The more you read, the better you will become at spelling.

Here is a link to a very good website that helps with the various rules taught in Year 2. Followed by the link for today’s rule.



Down on the farm:


This week we will be designing our own heathy smoothie. Today we will be investigating a healthy diet and what a balanced diet looks like. It would be brilliant if the children had a smoothie/s or different fruits/veg to taste for tomorrow’s activity. They will be investigating different ingredients and flavours.


Discuss what healthy foods you like to eat and why.

Look at the eat well plate saved in the resources section and look at which type of foods you should be eating the most of. Can you find any of those foods in your cupboards and fridge?

Complete page 2, Investigating, in your Design and Technology smoothie booklet which is saved in the resources section. If you do not have a printer, then please copy out the table and fill in the information.

Now have a think about why it can be hard to have a healthy lifestyle/diet. Think about…

  • the foods you see advertised on the TV, in the shops etc.
  • what hobbies you do at the weekends or after school e.g. iPad, football, TV shows
  • quick fast food vs cooking from scratch.

Complete page 3 in your smoothie booklet. Write or draw why keeping a healthy lifestyle could be challenging for some people.


Tuesday 12th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Today we are going to be thinking about what the crayons would have done instead of being in Oliver’s crayon box.

It might be something related to what they were used for. Or it could be something that they felt they were missing.

Would red crayon go to London and visit all the red buses/phone boxes/post boxes? Or visit Santa?

Would green crayon visit all the forests and fields and dragons?

White crayon might try to visit all of the most colourful places in the world or chase rainbows as he is so jealous of all the brighter colours.


Choose one colour and write a diary entry on what you have been up to since quitting the crayon box.

Think about these questions to help:

  • Where have you been?
  • What have you been doing?
  • How do you feel?
  • Do you miss the other crayons/Duncan? Why/why not?


How exciting can you make their adventure? Remember to relate it to the colour they are. Gold could have stowed away on a pirate ship in a treasure chest hiding amongst the gold coins and sailed around the world.


Attached below is a sheet for you to write your diary entry on.


Reading comprehension –

Florence Nightingale – the attached resource below has differentiated sheets. These cater for different levels of reading. Please choose which task suits your child best.


Maths task

Warm Up:

Ping pong with halves. Parent calls out an even number less than 30 and the child halves it.

To support – Halve even numbers to 10 then 20

To extend – Go higher with your numbers. You may even throw in an odd number to really challenge.


Main task:

Intro - Game: Open the link and choose scale going up in 10g. You measure the weight of envelopes and type in your answer. For an additional challenge, go back to the menu and choose a different scale.


p15 workbook measuring grams and kilograms


Online abacus game - Bingo


Additional task – Use the Food Weight worksheet below to measure the weight of different food items in your cupboards. Can you write these down in the table? What information can you gather from your results? Heaviest item? Lightest?

Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule.


Down on the farm:


This week we will be designing our own heathy smoothie. On Wednesday, it would be brilliant if the children had a smoothie to taste so that they can decide what they would like their smoothie.

Today you are going to be tasting some smoothies and/or different fruits. Choose 3 fruit/vegetables or smoothies to taste.

Complete page 4, Product Tasting. Make sure you think about the taste, colour, texture and the combination of ingredients.

Now you can complete page 5, where you can write about which your favourite smoothie/fruit was a why. Have a look at the packaging. Discuss with your family why you like it or perhaps don’t like it. What information has it got on it? Is it colourful and eye catching?



Wednesday 13th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Today and tomorrow’s tasks are focussing on letter writing. You are going to write a letter to your favourite colour crayon. Think about why it is your favourite and what you like to do with it.  Concentrate on the main part of your letter as you will be adding dates and addresses on purple mash tomorrow.


Reading comprehension – CGP book

Flat Stanley p 24-25

Maths task

Measuring capacity


Warm Up:

Doubles – click on the link below. How many answers can you get right in 1 minute? Why not play again and see if you can beat your score?


Main task:

Find four to five different containers around your house making sure there are a variety of proportions (see below). Label them A, B, C, D and E.


Ask your child to guess which holds the most. Can they order them from the container with the highest capacity (which holds the most) to the lowest capacity (the one that holds the least)? Next get an egg cup or something else smaller than all of the containers and use it to measure how much each container holds. This is done by pouring water into each container using the egg cup and counting how many egg cups were needed. You may need a funnel to help with the pouring and a basin to sit the containers in. Use the table attached below to record your results. You may even want to make a block graph.


Additional activity – mastery checkpoint attached below. You will also need the tea block graph to answer the questions.

Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule.


Down on the farm:


Today you will be designing two possible smoothie recipes. Think about what you tasted yesterday and whether you liked the combination you tried. Make sure you think about keeping it healthy, referring back to Monday’s task.

Complete page 6, Designing Ideas. If you choose to draw your ingredients in your smoothie recipe, make sure you label what they are.

Now have a think about which one you will choose. Perhaps you could ask your family to see which one they like the sound of most.

Next step is to design the packaging. Use the bottle template on page 7 to help you. If you have a spare bottle at home, you might like to make a real label and use this once you have made your smoothie.


When you have finished all of the activities we hope you find some time to make your smoothie. Let us know how it goes!


Thursday 14th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy Task

Today you are going to type up your letter on Purple Mash. This has been set as a 2do for you. There is a checklist on the right-hand side and on the left is a hint box which tells you what to write in each section.


Reading comprehension – CGP book

Animals p26-27

Maths task


Draw a line that you estimate to be 10cm long.  Measure it – how close were you? Repeat with a line of 15cm.


Capacity – begin to measure in 1 litre.

All over the world liquids such as milk, squash, and fruit juice are measured in litres. Using the same unit of measure makes it easier for people to know how much they are buying. 



Now have a go at page 14 of your workbook.

To support – it might help to have real life items roughly matching those in the picture for your child to hold.

To extend – you could estimate how many litres, or what fraction of a litre each container might hold.

You could also have a go at this game to practise reading scales -


Spelling rule

Spend 5 minutes on this week’s spelling rule. 


Healthy Eating

Look through the ‘healthy Eating lesson presentation’.  Use the information in the picture below to design a meal plan for a day of healthy eating.  You could write out your meal plan in words, or you could draw each meal.


Have a go at creating a healthy lunchbox in this game below: -




Friday 15th May 2020

Subject focus


Literacy task

Today we are going to be thinking about the emotions of the different crayons.  Pick a ‘Who am I’ card from the pictures below and try and work out which colour crayon it belongs to.


Have a look at the emotions picture below.  Can you match up a crayon with an emotion? Perhaps there is a different emotion not on the list that you think fits a crayon better? How do you know the crayon felt like this? Where is the evidence/clues in the story?



Complete the worksheet below – colour in and label the crayon at the top with your choice of colour.  Explain how the crayon felt and why you think this, with reference to the book (you will probably need to look back at the story for this).  Make sure that you use words and evidence from the book.  You can choose more than one emotion to describe your crayon.


Reading comprehension – CGP book

Slippers at school p28-29

Maths task


If my answer is 1000, what could the question be? How many different questions can you think of?



Litres are very big and so a smaller unit of measure called the millilitre is used to measure the capacity of smaller containers.  There are 1000ml in a litre (milli meaning 1000 times smaller).  Have a look at the containers in the picture below.  Decide whether you think they should be measured in litres or millilitres.



Look at the pictures of different sized containers in document 1.  Arrange them in order from smallest to largest.  You can do this by cutting and sticking, or by filling in the information in order on document 2.


To support – can you order the numbers on their own?

To extend – transfer this information onto a block diagram using document 3, where each square = 2l.  Will you be able to fit all the containers on the graph? How do you know? You could also estimate how many ml/l each container might hold.




Spelling rule

Test spelling knowledge. This can be done reading out the words or dictating a sentence containing the word in for the child to write. If they are writing a sentence, remind your child to be accurate with punctuation and use their best handwriting. 


Log into the Charanga website listen and appraise ‘We Go Together – Grease Soundtrack’ how does it compare to the friendship song? Do you prefer it?  Next click on ‘Learn to sing the Song’.  Have a go at making up some actions to go with the lyrics as you practise singing it.


Have a think about our Muslims friends who are unable to visit the Mosque during this holy month of Ramadan.  This links in very nicely with our main question – ‘does going to the Mosque give Muslims a sense of belonging?’


Following on from last week’s focus on the Mosque, have a go at labelling this picture of the inside of a mosque.  Can you work out where the labels go?






