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Cookham Rise Primary School

"We want all our children to SHINE"

Week commencing 1st June

Friday 5th June 2020


Good morning, Year 5!


Thank you for all your hard work this week.  I’ve shared some work on our blog at and will add more next week!  


Today, please could you:



The science work on Jane Goodall is for this week and next week.  Please use any other time you have today to catch up on any activities you haven’t had chance to complete during the week.


I hope you have a lovely weekend


Mrs Bond


Thursday 4th June 2020


Good morning, Year 5.


Thank you so much for all your sandwich ideas – I’m looking forward to trying out some of them.  Please keep experimenting and sharing your recipes.  There seems to be quite a lot of agreement that broccoli, sherbet and gooseberry wouldn’t be a great combination!


Today, please could you:



For French this week, complete the lesson at and then continue with our Memrise challenge at:  Try and do at least 5 minutes every day and see if you can move up our leaderboard!  Well done to Josie who is top of the leaderboard, followed by Nick in second place and Mya in third.  You need to create a Memrise account at before you can join the Beech 5 group.


Have a lovely day!


Mrs Bond


Wednesday 3rd June 2020


Good morning Year 5!


Today, please could you:

•    Complete Day 2 in your Early Morning Workbook.
•    Complete the English and maths activities on Seesaw
        - English – A Boy and a Bear in a Boat – day 2
        - Maths - pie charts
•    At complete 10 minutes of the free activities for Spelling Rule 38
•    Take a break and watch Bitesize Daily at
•    In topic this week, please complete Mrs Bennett’s lesson on tides on Seesaw
•    For computing this week and next, look at 2Graph on PurpleMash.  Can you use the data from our maths lessons create graphs using a computer?  This week and next, try to create a bar chart (or block graph), a pie chart and a line graph in PurpleMash.  Does it look like the ones you drew in our maths lessons?  Can you spot any differences?

Please don’t feel you have to complete both the topic and computing activities today.  We’ll have a catch-up day next week, so if you run out of time, just make a note of anything you need to finish at a later date.


I hope you have a lovely day and, even with less sun, you can still get outside for some exercise.


Mrs Bond


Tuesday 2nd June 2020


Good morning Year 5! 


I hope you had a lovely half-term break and enjoyed the sunshine.  


Our maths and computing work this week will be based on the book If all the World were a Village, which I have recorded and put onto the school website at

On our class pages, at, you can find an audio recording of A Boy and a Bear in a Boat, by Dave Shelton, which will be our reading book this term.


Today, please could you:


This term, Mrs O’Mahony will be posting your art, DT and music lessons.  This week, we will be looking at the artist Raoul Dufy and this work.  Please follow the lesson from Mrs O’Mahony on Seesaw and return your artwork by Friday.


Over the last two weeks in May, there is a famous literary festival called the Hay festival.  This year, it went online and featured an interview with Onjali Q Rauf, about how she was inspired to write The Boy at the Back of the Class.  If you’d like to watch it and find out more, visit


As ever, please make sure you get some exercise and enjoy the sunshine!


Have a lovely day

Mrs Bond

