Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for PE
At Cookham Rise Primary School, physical education is an integral part of our curriculum that is inclusive and engages all pupils. Children develop the knowledge, skills and competence to excel in a broad range of sports and physical activities. We also want to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of an effective team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values. We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that enable all children to achieve their personal best. Staff have a clear understanding of the National Curriculum, through appropriate CPD, the use of expert external coaches and support from subject leaders. We aim for all children to be physically active for sustained periods of time and be able to make informed decisions to lead healthy and active lives. Swimming is an important life skill, we aspire for all children to leave primary school being able to swim at least 25 metres and understand how to keep themselves safe in and around water.
- PE at Cookham Rise Primary School provide challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including: invasion games, net & wall games, strike and field games, gymnastics, dance, yoga, swimming and outdoor & adventure.
- Children participate in PE lessons twice a week (Year 1 – 6) and teachers use a range of resources including Get Set 4PE, Val Sabin, School Games and National Governing Body (NGB) planning.
- Each year, children in Year 6 are trained as Sports Ambassadors to act as role models for younger children, encouraging active playtimes and lunchtimes as well as helping officiate events such as the annual Sports Day and Quad Kids competition.
- Every child is encouraged to take part in the Daily Mile on our Astroturf 200m track at least three times a week.
- Sports Premium funding is used to increase the physical competency of staff and children and also provide staff with resources and high-quality equipment.
- Cookham Rise is a member of the School Sports Partnership for Ascot & Maidenhead. Through this, children have the chance to participate in local competitions and events as well as teachers having the opportunities to undertake relevant CPD and networking meetings.
- We provide children with the opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities that are inclusive, enjoyable and increase children’s physical activity. Many of these are run on a volunteer basis by staff and parent helpers, so are free of charge.
- Regular review of action plans, annual reports to governors and staff skills audit as well as pupil voice continue to monitor and improve our physical education (curriculum PE) and school sport (extra-curricular sports) offering.
At Cookham Rise Primary School, we ensure that our PE curriculum is progressive and allows children to develop fundamental skills which they can apply to a variety of sports and activities. All children are encouraged to achieve their personal best and they are given regular verbal feedback within lessons. Children become stewards of their own learning and support their peers in order to continue to improve and excel. From our lessons, children learn to take responsibility for their own health and well-being, many of whom also enjoy the success of competitive sports. We equip our children with the necessary skills and a love of sport. We hope that they leave us with a love of sport and physical activity that they can pursue out of school and in their life beyond primary school

At Cookham Rise we aim to provide two hours of quality PE lessons per week from Reception to Year 6. Your child's teacher will let you know when PE lessons are timetabled and we would urge you to ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school so that they may join in. We welcome specialist PE teachers into school to help us teach specific skills and techniques and sometimes these may be at times outside your child's normal PE lessons. In order that they do not miss out, we suggest that PE kit is brought into school on Monday morning and remains in school until the end of the week.
Aims of the PE curriculum
The national curriculum for PE aims to ensure that all pupils:
develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
are physically active for sustained periods of time
engage in competitive sports and activities
lead healthy, active lives
Subject content: KS1
pupils should master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and coordination and begin to apply these in a range of activities
participate in team games , developing simple tactics for attacking and defending
perform dances using simple movement patterns
Pupils should be taught to:
master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in range of activities
participate in team games, developing tactics for attacking and defending
perform dances using simple movement patterns.
Subject content: KS2
pupils should continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement
they should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other
they should develop an understanding of how to succeed in different activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success
Pupils should be taught to:
use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principle suitable for attacking and defending
develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
compare their best performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
Swimming and water safety
Pupils should be taught to:
swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m
use a range of strokes effectively
perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
PE and School Sport Funding at Cookham Rise
The PE and Sport Allocation is funding provided to schools in addition to the main school funding. The Government’s aim is to secure and lasting legacy to the very successfully 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in London. In order to achieve this and to improve the provision of PE and sport in Primary schools an additional funding has been made available. The funding is ring-fenced and can only be spent on the provision of PE and sport in school. For more details on how we are using our PE Premium and the impact it is having please click on the link below.